I am sorry about the delay in getting the second chapter out, but after one crisis and another, plus work and a few other things, I have finally managed to get it completed. Now if only all of my other stories that I have to finish could get done. Disclaimer: Everything belongs to Marvel Comics, except these characters that belong to me. Which are the ones you don't recognize, novel huh? Don't bother to sue me I have no money. Ties That Bind By Tanya AKA Admiral Draala Comments welcomed at admiraldraala@hotmail.com Chapter 2 In the middle of no where in Northern Ontario two people were being escorted across a small compound. This compound was nestled quietly in the middle of no where. Many of the people that were here wished that they weren't and were some place safer than this place. "Where are we going?" One of them asked their guard as they were escorted across the compound to a large building at the edge of the compound. "Shut up and keep walking!" the man accompanying told them said as he shoved her. "You should know by now what is going on." "NO! You can't make me go! NO!!!" The other yelled as she broke free of her captor's grasp and ran away. "I won't go in there! Do you hear me? I won't go!!!" "Ricochet!" The other captive yelled as she watched Ricochet run across the compound. "I need some help out here! They are trying to get away again!" The guard yelled. Several people came running out of a near by building and started chasing the run away. "Here, hold her!" The guard yelled as he threw the remaining mutant at one of the men running towards him. "If she gets away you're all fired." "Mystic you have to help me!" Ricochet yelled as she ran. She knew it was only a matter of time before the guards caught her. She ran for the trees with every thing she had. Ricochet knew she would have a better chance of getting away if she could get into the woods. Once she got away she had no idea what she would do then, in the mean time all she wanted to do was get away. "Mystic do some thing!" Mystic stood and watched as the only friend she had in this hell hole tried to get away. Mystic knew she would never get out of her captor's grip and she desperately wanted to help her friend. She knew that if Ricochet got away, she would find help and get them all out of this mess. Ricochet ran for the woods. Mystic smiled to her self and closed her eyes and concentrated. She would send her to place where Ricochet could get help, she hoped. It looked as if Ricochet was about to be caught as she tripped over an exposed tree root. As she fell a small yellow disk appeared underneath her and she disappeared. In all the confusion everyone for got that Mystic had the power to create teleportation disks. "You idiot! Why didn't you get Mystic out of here once the other got away? Get her to the doctor now!" The one in charge yelled. Mystic's captor stood and gaped at what just happened. "I told you to get her out of here!" Once he realized he was being yelled at he did as he was instructed. "The rest of you I want that girl found." "But sir, she could be any where," one of them answered. "I know that you fool. She has a tracking devise on her. It will only be a matter of time before we find her. Get to work now!" People went running every where while the one in charge stood and watched everyone. "Now comes the hard part, telling Duchette, his pet got away." ****** Beast sat in the rec room of the mansion eating popcorn with Bobby and Sam while they watched 'Ace Ventura Pet Detective' on TV. Both Bobby and Sam thought they would keep Beast company while he waited for Night Watch to start. "He is a complete genius I tell you. No body else can do what he does," Sam said as he shoved a handful of popcorn in his mouth. "If genius is determined by the amount of skill one possesses in one's facial movements then I am at a loss. I am not the genius I once thought I was," Beast commented. "Don't be so hard on yourself Hank. You are still the big mental brainer that we all think you are. What he does is just a matter of finesse." Bobby told him. "Ah didn't mean to offend you Dr. McCoy. Ah was only-" "There is no need to explain Sam. I was merely trying to express-" "I think we get the point there Hankster, you were teasing. You see Sam you can't take everything that Hank here says literally. If you do then it will all go to his head," Bobby said as he slapped Sam on the back. "If that happens then we will never shut him up." Sam nodded his head. He was completely lost and had no idea what to think. Things were so much easier for him when he was with X-Force. "See what you have gone and done Bobby you have confused the poor boy. Sam just ignore everything that occurred this fine evening and you will be fine," Hank said trying to alleviate Sam's confusion. They continued to watch the rest of the movie in silence except for the occasional out burst of laughter. Beast even admitted to no one except for himself that Jim Carry was a genius like Sam said. As the movie ended Sam and Bobby departed Beast's company to play pool. Beast sat and watched the late news. A few others wandered in and out of the rec room but never stayed for long. Storm entered the room and sat on the couch beside Beast. "I hope you do not mind if I join you Henry," She asked as she sat down. "Of course not dear lady. I would not refuse the company of a fair lady such as your self." "Henry you are incorrigible," Storm told him and laughed. Night Watch started and everything in the rec room went quiet. "Good evening this is Night Watch and I am your host Ted Donaldson. Tonight we will be talking about the mutant crisis." "It seems that the only ones who see us as menaces are people who have no mutant powers," Sam said from across the room. Remy then wandered into the room and headed for the small fridge behind the bar and grabbed a beer. "Tonight my guests include Dr. Valerie Cooper the government's liaison to X-Factor, Senator Robert Kelly and via satellite from Toronto, Canada, Brian Duchette the liaison to the Minister of Mutant Affairs in Canada. Welcome." Remy's attention was drawn to the TV at the mention of the name Duchette and he had no idea why. His interest was now in the TV more than the drink that was in his hand. He walked over and sat on the chair that was across from the TV. Storm could not help but notice the sudden interest Remy took in the program. She decided to question him about it later. "It seems that there has been an increase in the amount of mutant related attacks as of late the one earlier today is just an example of many." Ted Donaldson said as video feed from the attack earlier was shown on the screen. Remy was not paying much attention to it until he saw one of the mutants that was in the group. There was something about her that drew his attention and he did not know why. Remy looked over and noticed that Storm was looking at him with concern in her eyes. As Remy's eyes went back to looking at the television Storm knew that she need to talk to Remy later. "Yes there has been an increase in mutant attacks lately and we the every day citizens are at risk from these attacks. These mutant groups are one step away from acts of treason against the United States government," Senator Kelly said. "We have all heard your solutions to the 'mutant problem'. Do you really believe Senator that placing mutants in camps will decrease their activity? In most cases I would think they would increase." Valerie Cooper retorted. "Dr. Cooper I think that working so closely with mutants, X-Factor to be precise, has blinded you to the problem mutants are on the general public," Kelly shot back at Valerie. "If I may interject here. It seems that the United States has not found a suitable answer to something that shouldn't even be a real big problem," Duchette added. "It seems that you have a solution here or at leased a working solution, Mr. Duchette," Ted Donaldson said. "It seems to me that your government wants to subdue the mutant population rather than accept them. If you push down a race, whether they are Black, Jewish or Natives, they will try all the harder to push themselves back up. What we need to do is promote acceptance and tolerance." "Do you truly believe that will work Mr. Duchette?" Valerie Cooper asked. "Not every one will be accepting of this." Senator Kelly added. "That is true Senator, but we must learn to accept that mutants are working members of society. It is true that we will always have our Skin Head White Supremacist groups and the Friends of Humanity but if mutants are to be accepted we must start now." "So are you trying to say that Canada has no problem with mutants? I find that some what hard to believe Mr. Duchette." Senator Kelly said. "Oh we are not with out our difficulties with the mutant race. When you look at the over all picture our instances of mutant generated attacks are few and far between. I believe that is the difference between our two nations, Canada tends to accept differences and diversity between our people while the Untied States doesn't." "He does bring up some valid points. I would find it interesting to sit down with Mr. Duchette." Beast said as he watched the television. "I would not believe what he says, mon ami," Gambit said as he took a drink of his beer. "Remy do you know this man?" Storm asked looking over at her friend. "Somet'ing just tell me not ta trust him dat all." "Senator Kelly I would like to pose a question to you. Dr. Cooper stated earlier that your solution to the 'mutant problem' , I believe that was what she said, was to place them in internment camps. How could that be a solution. Take Genosha as an example of how a solution similar to yours failed. Now Genosha is in economic ruin. How do you think that will work in the United States?" Duchette asked. "I only suggest that as a last resort. At this moment I am trying to find viable solutions." The rest of the program went along unhindered and Beast found it very interesting. At the same time he was disappointed that he was not asked to participate in the discussion, but that was a given. He made a point of expressing his disappointment every chance that he got. "It's a shame that the Professor was not able to view this. I am sure that he would have found it very interesting," Storm said. "No need to worry I had the computer in the War Room record it. I knew that the Professor would find this as interesting as I did." "Well it is growing late and I am going to retire for the evening. Good night everyone." Storm said as she left the rec room. "I am going to bed as well I have an early morning with my lab. A deed I am not looking forward to." Beast left as well leaving Remy alone. Remy sat in his chair thinking about that mutant that he saw. He could not understand why he would start thinking so much of someone he didn't even know. Or did he? He admitted that there was something familiar about her, but he didn't know what. The more Remy sat there the more it started to bother him. He decided that he would go down to the war room and use the computer to get a better look at her face. The mansion was quiet as he made his way down to the War room. Not that Remy was expecting any one to be up and about at this hour, but he still quietly made his way down the corridors until he came to the War room. Once he was inside, Remy went over to the computer and called up the recording of the program. As the program started Remy watched as the scene with the battle was replayed. He played it over and over and each time he watched he could not shake the feeling that he knew the strange girl. Remy was not one to forget faces or names, so not being able to remember who this girl was disturbed him greatly. Eventually he stopped the frame at the best picture of the girl and stared at it. Remy lost track of the time that spent trying to figure out who she was and he fell asleep. Remy's sleep was not peaceful. ****** Remy looked around him and notice that he was in an old church that he had been in several times before in his youth. Every other time he had come here it was by himself and against his father's wishes. Out of all the churches in New Orleans this was the only church that he was drawn to. Remy never understood why he was not suppose to be at this particular church. He was always told that churches were sacred places and were to be held in respect. Both guilds, Thieves and Assassins, respected this rule and never fought on holy ground. He stood at the back of the church and looked around, it was different. Remy would admit that the last time he was in this particular church it was before he left New Orleans after his marriage to Belladonna. But as far as he could remember the church did not look so new. Even at his first visit here the church looked old. Remy slowly walked towards the front of the church were he noticed his father talking to a strange woman and two children. He started to walk towards the front of the church. As he got closer he noticed that one of the children his father was talking to was him. Now Remy was confused, he never remembered this happening, much less who these other people were. He tried to listen in on what was being said but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't hear what was being said. The woman bent down and hugged and kissed his younger self and Remy noticed that she was crying. As she got up Remy took hold of his father's hand and watched as the woman left with the little girl. As they turned to leave the girl began calling his name. Remy stood and gaped at the scene, he had no idea what was going on. As the woman and the little girl walked by him the girl looked up at him and stared. Remy closed his eyes to get away from her stare. He opened his eyes and he was in a wide open space with nothing around him. He turned himself around and found himself looking right at the girl from the church. "You lied Remy you said you wouldn't leave me. That you would make sure that nothing would happen to me. Why did you lie to me Remy?" She asked. Before he could answer her she disappeared and he came face to face with the mutant from the news broadcast. "Remy you have to help me. If he finds me again he will kill me. You were the one that was saved, you owe it to me. Remy you have to remember, you have to save me from him." "What you talkin' about? Do I know you?" "You must remember Remy. I need your help." She reached out to touch his face. ****** Remy woke with a start and stared to the computer screen where the picture of the mutant girl was. Her last words to him were echoing through his head, "help me Remy". Remy printed up a picture of the girl and left the War room. He went up to the kitchen only to find that the sun was beginning to rise. "I must've been sleepin' longer den I t'ought." He said to him self as he went to the frigde and took out a bottle of juice, deciding it was better then drinking more beer. As he sat at the table Storm walked into the kitchen. She notice Remy sitting at the table looking at a picture of one of the mutants from the TV broadcast. "There is some thing troubling you my friend. Would you like to talk about it?" Storm asked as she sat at the table beside Remy. "Not much to say Stormy." "How many times have I asked you not to call me that?" That remark brought a sly smile to the Cajun's face as it always has. "I know you better than you think I do Remy. I am your friend and I wish to help you. Now, what is troubling you?" "Her," Remy said pushing the picture in front of Storm so she could see. "I can't shake this feeling dat I know her." Storm gave him and odd look. "Not dat way. I admit dat I know a lot of femmes, but dis one I don't remember." Remy stopped to take a drink of his juice, before continuing. "I had a dream. I saw my father and in an old church dat in New Orleans. He was takin' to dis girl and an what I guess was her mere, strange t'ing was I was dere was a boy. Dis girl tellin' me dat I lie to her and dat I need to help her." Storm sat quietly for a while before she answered. "Do you think this happened in the past. You have said that you do not remember much from your childhood." "I need to go to Orleans and talk to my father," Remy said getting up from the table. "Remy I would like to go with you. Before you say any thing I am your friend and I am here to help you in any way that I can. If you can wait for a few minutes, I will change then we can take the Black Bird." Storm got up from the table and kissed Remy on the cheek before she left the kitchen. Remy walked over to the window and looked out over the estate. "Now father you will give me the answers to my questions." He walked out of the kitchen to meet Storm in the hanger bay. To be continued..... Next chapter, Remy and Storm arrive in New Orleans to talk with Remy's father. Also a mysterious visitor shows up at the mansion.