Back again. Late posts seem to happen all to frequently. Disclaimer: How many times can one come up with an original disclaimer. What's mine is mine and what's theirs is mine (only in my dreams). No moneys being made BUT if you want me to write a book MARVEL HERE I AM! Recaps: Cable has a new mission for X-Force. Deadpool joined X-Factor. Shard is having technical difficulties. Havok killed Creed. The FOH are pissed and Rogue's powers may be dampened. Begin Part X Roger Fullbright sat in his black Saturn, listening to the latest Green Day CD. He really didn't like the music. In fact he hated it but he didn't want his thirteen year old son to think that his father was no longer cool. Since his wife left him for another man, who he found out was a mutie, Roger had done everything in his power to keep his son. His cellular phone, in the seat next to him, rang twice before he answered. "Talk to me." "Roger this is Lance. I think I have a lead on Creed's murderer. One of his advisors, a man going by the name Drake Roberts, might have a grudge against him. His father was ordered badly beaten by Lestor and myself. Somehow, I think Drake found out about it and had some of his buddies off him. Or maybe he did it himself because get this, he was an undercover mutie." "If he was a mutie, how did he get so close to Creed? I thought you guys would have checked into that." "WE DID! His forgeries were excellent, but that's not the issue right now. What's done is done and now we must face the music and deal with the mutie problem ourselves. The police have been inept at discovering any details or making enough actions to satisfy us." "So why haven't you dealt with this Roberts fellow?" Roger really hated the man on the other side of the conversation. Just because he was close to Creed and was one of his confidants, he did NOT hold rank over him. Roger had worked hard for three years to become the head of the two New York branches of the FOH. "Last night my brother and I paid a little visit to his father's ward but Drake, which is actually his last name, wasn't there. We hung around for a couple of hours but he never showed his face. We're going back tonight." "Okay, I'm assuming you had a purpose in calling me?" There was a pause from the other side. Good. Roger wasn't scared by that oversized freak. "The friends of his I was referring to earlier are in your district. Drake happens to belong to the school of freaks at Xavier's. I know we were under orders to avoid them, things have changed. I don't care if they had nothing to do with it. They are mutants and all mutants should be killed or shipped out of our country." "I'm assuming you want me to do something about this." "There's nothing to be assumed. I want you to order their execution." "And I'm supposed to take this order from you?" "That's correct." "And since when do you decide how I'm going to run my people? We have yet to vote for a new head of office and until we do, only I make decisions." There was another pause. This one was much longer. If Roger could see the veins bulging on Lance's hand while he gripped the phone, he would have quit pressing his luck. "Mr. Fullbright, you are putting yourself in a very precarious position. Your control over your men is not as good as you think. I have more influence over them, which you probably didn't know. And if you won't listen to me, there's someone I'm answering to that I'm sure you would not want to disappoint." Roger had no idea who that could have been. There were plenty of FOH members who took their hatred of mutants and other things to an extreme level. "By your silence, I gather you're wondering who I'm talking about. Nathan Sexton." Sexton! Though he only met the man once, a shudder passed through his body. It was one of the few people that gave him the creeps. The deathly white albino skin and beady eyes that seemed to never blink. "How did he claim control?" "Creed and him had some arrangement, in the event of his death, about control of the FOH. It was part of his paranoia." "Isn't that a motive also." "Not likely. Both of them were of the same beliefs. Now I want you to begin our agenda early. Starting with Drake's friends." "I'll see what I can do," Roger said and hung up. Granted, taking out Xavier's children would be a fringe benefit, the chances of his survival were slim. If some of the things he had heard were true about them, he could never take them all down at one time. They would have to be killed piece meal. Still holding the cellphone, he began dialing some local friends who would be more than willing to help him on a stakeout tonight. "Are you sure you don't want another one cajun," Wolverine asked, as he poured the last of his fourth pitcher of beer into his mug. Gambit looked up from the glass of scotch he was swirling around for the past twenty minutes. The rocks had already malted and diluted the drink he hadn't even tasted. "Dis one's just fine." "All right. I've tried to play nice and get it out of ya. What's bugging you?" Wolverine downed the glass of beer in four large gulps. "You remind me of a love sick pup and it's disgusting." "Did you ever wish you could have seen your future ta change your past?" "Every day of my life. So let me guess...this has to do with Rogue?" "Don' it always seem dat way lately. Joseph came up wit' a plan to help Rogue control her powers an I'm worried she'll be too gra'ful." "You know gumbo. I liked you much better when you were an arrogant kid nobody liked." "T'anks," Remy said and polished off the watered down drink. "Y' right. I done a lot of growin' up since I join de X-Men. If she don' wan' Gambit den I move on." Wolverine signaled the waitress to bring the check. "What do you say we head back to mansion and call it a night. Cyke has put us on a curfew because of all the assaults on mutant during the past few days." "Sure, homme. I could use an hour in de Danger Room." The waitress brought the check and Wolverine gave her thirty dollars to cover everything. Outside, the air was crisp and showed signs of rain for tomorrow. Henry's convertible was parked next to a line of motorcycles. Gambit looked upon them with envy. During the X-Men's first encounter with Omega Red, his Harley had been nearly totaled. Since then he hadn't managed to restore his Harley fully. Behind them, four boisterous men stumbled out of the bar. One was trying to keep the other three in line but was failing miserably. "You'd almost t'ink dat if someone were ta follow us, dey'd be a little more discreet 'bout it." "I was wondering the same thing myself. I've been around too long not to notice amateurs. Why the hell are they interested in us?" "Got me. We're mutants, what better reason dey need?" Both men lit cigarettes before getting into the car. Logan took his time adjusting the mirrors, checking the radio station and moving the seat forward. He watched the mirrors to check his suspicions. Sure enough, the four men were waiting beside their cars slowly working their way into them. Several times the men glanced in their direction. Normally Wolverine would have confronted them to see what their problem was but Cyclops wanted no forced conflicts with humans. "Looks like we'll have a tail." "Why can' we lead normal lives like everybody else," Remy asked. "When you joined the X-Men, stuff like this is normal," Logan answered, starting the car. While the door was still open, Gambit grabbed a few hand fulls of pebbles and rocks that composed the parking lot. The car was already in motion before he managed to close the door. They drove in silence for twenty minutes, heading in the general direction of the mansion. On the way to the bar, they had traveled along the main highways, where it was harder to pick up a tail, especially since they weren't expecting one. Logan decided against that route and restricted their journey to back roads and poorly lit streets. It was impossible for the tails to hide what they were doing. "Either these guys are incompetent or they are extremely arrogant," Wolverine said, while watching the distance they were staying ahead of them. "Don' you t'ink we should lose 'bout now?" Logan, floored the gas peddle and the two pairs of headlights behind him slowly receded but quickly began to close the gap. "Well it looks like we will confront our friends back there." The lights that were still working were few and far between so they barely illuminated the road. To the left a guard rail was absent even though the hillside sloped sharply. The curvature of the road did not warrant one unless the drivers speed was eighty or greater. "Damn Beast and his economically sound vehicle," Wolverine cursed. The cars behind them were side by side and almost on top of them. "I think they want to run us off the road." Wolverine tried to force the gas peddle beneath the floor, hoping the vehicle would gain more speed. "Slow down, mon ami. Gambit had a plan from de onset." End Part X Part XI real soon: Cable's mission revealed. Gambit and Wolverine's night on the town gets deadly.