Only three days since a post! We're getting better. Next week I promise part XII. Anyways...cut and paste any disclaimer you want here. They all say the same. They not ours and no matter how hard I try, they won't "SHOW ME THE MONEY." In case you missed any part you can easily find them on the web at: Go there often. You'll likely see posts more frequently there then from me. Part XI Wolverine watched as Gambit charged the handfuls of rocks he had collected. Guessing at the plan, he released the gas and the cars closed the distance quickly. Gambit eased out of his seat and stood facing the rear of the convertible. The wind at his back nearly forced him into the back seat head first. Gritting from the stress, he tossed the glowing rocks into the air. Their pursuers were nearly on top of them when the multiple explosions went off. Roger Fullbright sat in the passenger seat of his fellow FOH member's car. In front of him, hundreds of small fireworks went off, blinding both him and the driver. His eyes burned and watered, but he could see the driver frantically rubbing his eyes. "What are you doing," he screamed. "Keep your hands-" A powerful jolt cut him off from yelling some more. The car they had been running parallel to swerved into them, veering their car off onto the shoulder lane. The headlights exploded. The driver was slow to respond and barely caught the out of control steering wheel. "We're gonna die," he screamed spinning the wheel, forgeting to ease off the gas. In the other car, the two men were in worse shape then their friends. The explosions rocked the car, sending it's driver head first into the steering wheel, instantly breaking his nose and rending him unconscious. The passenger had fortunatly buckled his seat belt earlier. The impact threw his body forward, backward then forward again. His hands came up to protect himself but had no more effect than a matchstick would have. The seat belt saved his arms from splintering from crashing into the dashboard but it also snapped his clavicle. He sceamed in pain and didn't know that the car spun out of control, crashing into their friends vehicle. The impact rolled the cat over into Beast's convertible. Wolverine roared in fury at Hank's pitiful excuse for a car and at the tumbling car bearing down on them. He gritted his teeth and tried to steer clear of the huge projectile. "Down," he yelled just as the car rolled over onto the trunk of the convertible blowing out the rear tires. Gambit fell into the back seat as the convertible lurch forward with a broken axle. "Logan, I t'ink we need to get off de road." "Is this another one of your great plans?" "Sorry. I didn't work de way I expected." Wolverine didn't answer and continued to fight for some semblance of control of the convertible to save their lives. Without the rear of the car functioning properly, he couldn't speed up or steer without the back end swerving. "The hell with it," he yelled and yanked the wheel sharply to the left dipping the front of the over the ledge. "Out. Now. Run," he ordered, leaping over the door. Gambit followed suit and flipped backwards, almost on top of Wolverine. "Now dat was exci-" A deafening crash cut off Gambit in mid sentance. Domino was leaning against the wall to the left of Cable, with a puzzled look on her face. Normally, Nate told her of his plans for the team prior to anouncing any changes or missions but this time he neglected to do so. Sitting on the furniture or standing in the back of the room, was all the team members of xforce. Each had their attention focus on their leader except Caliban, who found something he could see through the window much more interesting. "I'm glad you're all here," he said, looking at every member individually. "Well it's not like we had a choice," Sunspot interupted. "You'd kick our butts this weekend instead of granting us some leave." "Why Cable-Nathan want to kick Caliban's butt," the childish Morlock asked bewildered. "Listen up Forest and you'll find out," Meltdown snapped. "That enough guys," Domino quipped, bringing the muster back to order before a fight could beak out. "Thanks Dom. For the past few months X-Force has been too busy dealing with it's internal problems, not those it was created for. Now, with Onslaught and Creed's assasination, mutant hysteria is at an all time high. First and foremost, we are a strike team. In order to eliminate one of the biggest threats to mutants, it's time to become a strike team again. Peaceful coexistance is a dream that cannot be achieved unless we do so. It is important that we are as expediant as possible, so I've decided by tomorrow, Genosha will no longer exist. The floor is open for questions." Every person in the room had their mouth agape, except Caliban, who was busy staring at something only he could see through the window. Not one could question the operation because of it's shocking nature. Dom stared at Cable. There was no logical reasoning how this could benifit mutants but Nate usually had some reasoning behind his motives. End Part XI