Here's another seemingly random part to winds of change. Things will eventually fall into place (hopefully before my vacation in Sept) Trust me! Disclaimer: Yooo hoooo! Marvel are you there. Well guess what. I'm using your characters without your say-so. Ha! All I have to do is not except huge monatary donations. ...Somehow I think I'm the only one losing out then. In case you missed any part you can easily find them on the web at: I practically live there! Part X111 "Tell me why we're going back to Genosha Nate," Domino asked her lover. Projected onto the windshield of the canopy was a holographic three dimensional image of the small mutant hating island. It rotated, showing the layout of the land mass and the most inconspicuous areas to land. "Last time we left, Sugarman and Sinister were left unaccounted for. I'm tired of dealing with enemies we seemingly defeat over and over again." "But what you're proposing is we overthrow an established government and an entire country riddled with mutant hating extremists. Nate, don't you think this will prove that people like the Friends of Humanity should rightfully fear us?" Domino's look was almost pleading. She hoped whatever he planned didn't destroy the chance for any mutant to live next door to a 'normal' family. "Dom, you have to trust me. If everything that I've accounted for falls into place, the mutates and the refugee mutants living in the slums will come out the heroes of the day." Cable readjusted the controls of the Blackbird and set the autopilot for a circular path, just outside of any radars range. He stood and followed Dom out of the cockpit. His team was seated and unnaturally quiet in the passenger area of the aircraft. Shatterstar was testing the fine edge of his dual-blade swords, seemingly unsatisfied. Caliban's undivided attention was focused on the locking mechanism of his seat belt. "All right team listen up," Cable barked. "I know many if not all of you are questioning my reasons for this mission. Basically, I want to prove that all mutants are not bent on destruction and world domination and though we possess an extra ability, he should be judged as an individual, not as a stereotype. By the end of the night, I hope to change the minds of many. "My goal is to infiltrate several high profile Genosha buildings or complexes and create mass chaos. Most of us will not be allowed to use our powers to give the illusion of a raid conducted by humans. I have recently contacted several underground friends Domino and I met up with not to long ago. They promised to be on sight to help rally the mutates to help." Boomer and Rictor both spoke up. "The mutates are mindless-" "How will they gain free will-" "That's where I come in. With the exception of Sunspot and Caliban, all of us can pass as humans in a crowd. According to some black market information I purchased, the mutates are mind wiped and sent out as drones. Apparently, this machine has to continually send out an electromagnetic pulse. This pulse ensures that the mind wipes are still effective. If the mutate is resilient enough, he or she may begin to regain memories. If this pulse is abruptly cut off, there's the chance that some will regain their free will. I'm hoping that a few mutates will see their captors in peril and aid them in any form since they would be completely unaware they were slaves. This incident will likely be a top story on CNN and every paper globally." Siryn apparently liked the theory but was doubtful. She shook her head and said, "but how can we be sure anyone will act? We're relying on way too many variable that we have no control over. We could start a race war by the end of the night!" Cable smiled. "Don't you trust me by now Teresa. Believe me every variable has been accounted for. now here's how the plan is going to work. Like I said, Caliban and Sunspot will be with me. We are going to hit this megacomputer first. I want Shatterstar and Siryn to work their way along the perimeter of the island until the fireworks explode. Rictor and Warpath, you two will need to pair up to assist in creating the chaos. Domino and Boomer you ladies will need to infiltrate the city and mingle with the public. "This is what each teams objectives are." Cable spoke for nearly an hour, explaining his plan to even the most minute detail. When he was done, he returned to the cockpit to find his landing zone along the beach. The VTOL engines whirred and shot a fountain of sand like a mighty tempest. When the dust had settled, the cargo doors opened and a determined X-Force raced out. End Part XIII Part XIV: Iceman on the run (By Thursday-- I promise!)