It's part 15 and I'm still rambling on trying to build a framework. Is there anyone out there who might want to help. I haven't had any aid from Rob in the last 8 parts. I have an overall outline of the next ten or so. Any takers? Or if someone has any ideas on some of the characters I haven't incorporated yet. (I'm trying to get every character, except Gen X, involved in some way) Disclaimer: I'm sorry Marvel for using these guys in a story really I am. As a penance I won't except any money for this BUT cookies might be nice. (Okay that was lame) Recap: Cable is on his way to strike Genosha In case you missed any part you can easily find them on the web at: Part XV The rugged terrain of the small island of Genosha gradually sloped upward from the beach to the main city. Cable's breath came in strong steady puffs. He was amazed at the speed Caliban led them at and was hard pressed to maintain the ground eating pace. Beside him Sunspot steadily flew, unconcerned at their speed. At first Cable had considered hiding their powers until they reached the city but he wanted Genosha's attention fully on them. It would enable his team to reach their objectives without unnecessary complications. Caliban bounded from rock to rock, avoiding the loose scree Cable had already slipped on numerous times. He stopped when he reached the top of the hill. A large plateau spread out before him. Cable arrived only a moment later and gazed at the city. From this far away, it was a beautiful sight. Tall buildings broke out towards the sky line and small specks that were magistrate ships weaved around in circles like angry bees. Somewhere in the city was the megacomputer Cable was bent on destroying. He knew the general location but was still uncertain which place to knock out. When he got closer he would telepathically scan a genegineer for the information. "We have a long run ahead of us. We'll break here for a few minutes before heading out again. We should reach the perimeter before the others are in position. When we do, we'll wait until morning before striking." Sunspot nodded and seems content to relax by hovering just above the ground. He wasn't even remotely drained since the sun was still shining but slowly working its way towards the horizon. Caliban just sat on the rock, gazing at the city. Recently his mental state had been becoming more childlike. It was almost as if he was unconscious of his surroundings at times. Based on the way he climbed the hill Cable thought Caliban needed an extensive evaluation. He promised himself when they got back to the mansion, he'd have Jean perform a complete diagnostic probe. Warpath and Rictor arrived to there checkpoint before any other member of X-Force. "I guess now all we have to do is sit and wait for Cable to give his sign," Rictor said, sitting down on a rock. Warpath remained silent. He stare vacantly, his mind piecing together the best locations to strike. "James. Hola, amigo. Are you there?" Warpath turned, breaking his concentration. "What?" "I don't know. I was just thinking that all the time we've been together- what's it two years now- none of us really know each other. Cannonball left, making gossip about him and Tabitha nonexistent. Speaking of relationships, what happened between you and Teresa?" Warpath checked his watch. It was nearly three hours before they would be needed. He had no real desire for chit-chat as Boomer called it. "What's with the sudden interest in my personal life?" "Just passing the time hombre. And we got plenty of that to kill. I was just curious. Seriously, all we are to each other is someone to cover your back in a crisis. I don't think any of us are really friends. 'star and I have gone clubbing but his brain is all messed up lately with his doubts about himself." "Okay I give," Warpath said while taking a seat beside his teammate. "What do you want to know?" Julio frowned for a second. Presented with the opportunity to talk as friends he suddenly found himself stumped. "Maybe we could share a story about our families." James instantly felt a burst of rage. His entire family, along with his tribe had been wiped out. He had no family left that he knew and hated living in the past. As much as he wanted to seek revenge, he had held back, slowly letting the anger fester toward the Hellfire Club. Some day he would ask Cable for a leave of absence to seek out his revenge. For a while, he even hoped Teresa would accompany him, but lately she seemed distant. More involved in leading and studying then having a personal life. "Hmmm. I've got one for you. It's not exactly a happy story but it's one that replays in my head every so often. I remember the day my brother joined the X-Men. For years, we were always in competition for our family's attention and approval. He was four years older but that never stopped me. "Unfortunately, in today's world our society has to rely on tradition more and more to remind our younger generations about our history. Well there's a coming of age ritual every man must pass to get his first feather in his headband. Since we are no longer allowed to hunt buffalo like our grandfathers did we are required to sneak up on a herd and scalp part of the leader males mane." Rictor's eyes nearly bulged out of his sockets. "Dios mio. That's unreal amigo. It's more dangerous then hunting one with a bow and arrow." "True but in order to continue to thrive as a tribe we must be strong." "Yeah but getting killed by a stampede is no way to prove you're a man." "Try telling that to the generations before me. Anyway... John and I, though competitive were inseparable. His turn at manhood was coming up. During one night, he woke me up by clamping his hand over my mouth. I nearly screamed and trashed wildly but he was stronger then me and held me down. "'Shhh. Stop squirming and come with me' "'Where,' I asked, wiping my eyes of sleep. "'I have three days time before my initiation rite. I want to practice tonight. If I can touch a buffalo during the night, I'll be confidant come Sunday." "I considered his logic and it made sense. On the plains, you could hear the crack of a stick five miles away. If he could pull it off in the dead of night, I wanted to be there to see it. "We took off, each with traditional hunting bows and left the tribe without anyone the wiser. For nearly two hours we trekked across the plains, guided only by moonlight and a sense of adventure. When we came across a small herd, John motioned me to be silent. I stopped and he continued on. I watched as he narrowed the gap between himself and the buck, who was lazily eating and walking amongst his herd. "There was no wind to speak of to betray his presence to the animal. The night was utterly still will the exception of the whoops from hidden birds. I remember being impressed with his ability to move so stealthily at such a quick pace. His body weaved as if preprogrammed with every contour of the prairie. Dodging over sticks and snake holes until he was within fifteen feet of the buffalo-" James stopped his story for a moment to catch his breath. Though he just checked his wrist watch he looked at it again. "I never realized how much I miss him sometimes. Even with all the petty rivalry of brothers and fights, he was still an incredible person." Rictor was taken aback by his teammates words. It wasn't too often that a member of X-Force broke down or was allowed to break. Confused he said, "you don't have to continue." "No. It's okay. Where was- so he was almost within a handspan from the buffalo when a twist of irony struck. The whole time, nobody, not even the elders, would have heard his approach but in the last few seconds he tripped and sprawled directly into the animals flank. The buffalo roared in surprise, arousing the others. Seeing this strange creature among them, they began to snort and rock anxiously. "The last thing I considered was my own safety. He was four years my senior and easily twenty pounds heavier but I wouldn't notice the differences. As I ran towards him, the buffalos sensed another intruder. Their excitement grew quickly and they began to stampede, not away from me but directly at me. I'll never know how I managed to survive weaving in and out of the massive creatures. Maybe it was the first manifestation of my mutant powers. "When I reached John, he was bruised and his arm was at an odd angle. The only thing I had to splint the fracture was our bows and shirts. He woke with a smile on his face that hid his pain. 'I touched him,' he said with a slight laugh. I couldn't believe his good humor in light of everything else. "'Come on,' I said, lifting him from the ground. 'We have a long walk ahead of us.' When I finally managed to brace his shoulder over mine, we heard the hum of a jeeps engine. "Our tribal leader had seen our midnight escapade and had followed us, albeit at a very far distance, almost as if he knew what we were up to. I was shocked we never heard He stepped out of the jeep and walked at us, only stopping when he was two paces away. The look of disapproval was evident on his scowling face. 'What you two did tonight was foolish and both of you could have been killed,' he said. He still hadn't blinked since standing before us. 'But,' he added, 'it was very brave. Braver, though still dumber, than anything I would have done at your age. I don't know if this makes you a man but you have proven yourself to me. Now both of you,' he continued, 'get in the jeep so I can take you home.' "I wanted to pat John on the back but given the current situation it wouldn't have looked good. We plodded along with our chief beside me. He looked me square in the eyes. 'For coming along I couldn't except this as brave James. John more than likely forced you to go along but headless of your own safety you charged a stampede.' He shook his head and opened the drivers door on the jeep. 'Now that takes a man.' Warpath finished his story. "It's funny now that I think about it. Both of us were considered men after that night and the rivalry ended. He joined the X-Men and I considered him to be more than a man. Though I joined for different more personal reasons I sometimes wonder if I signed up to compete with him subconsciously." He kicked a rock and watch it tumble erratically. "Well you got something out of me. I think you owe the same in return." Julio didn't have to give his choice of story much thought. "When I was a kid-" End Part XV Next: Iceman the Hunted. Rictor's story. After that: WAR in Genosha