Disclaimer: All characters are the products of Marvel's imagination however the story is ours. They are being used without consent and for no profit. If it was for profit then maybe we could pay you off if you sue us. Archive anywhere but please don't change anything Author's notes: Please feel free to critisize us (or praise if the term fits) by e-mail to skruse@snd10.med.navy.mil All comments are greatly appreciated since we are still new at this. All X-Men history up to Creed's assassinated is considered law all else is null and void. If we do make any mistakes on the history let us know so we can correct where appropriate. Recap: After Creed's death the X-Men decide to relocate the mansion and Beast is trying some new experiment with the Legacy Virus. Part 2 Bobby Drake sat at his father's bedside with his head held in his hands. His father's condition hadn't deteriorated in the last week but unfortunately it hadn't made any positive progress either. Whenever he wasn't posing as Drake Roberts in Creed's campaign party, Bobby could always be found at the hospital. He had just recently severed all ties with the X-Men, the only family he thought he had until being utterly shocked by his father's blatant protesting of Graydon's antimutant bandwagon campaign. For years Bobby thought his father resented, even hated the X gene he picked up at birth, unknowing that he was still considered his father's son at heart, regardless of the harsh words. Recently Creed made threatening statements about the sins of the father passing down to the sons. Bobby knew without a doubt that Creed was the one who had pulled the strings that led to his father's condition. Without any proof there was nothing he could legally do and what would stop the same from happening to him. He decided to stay with the campaign, no longer to help the X-Men but to avenge his father and find the proof he needed to humiliate Creed at the most opportune time. However, that proof had yet to come. With Election Day nearing and Creed slowly rising to a majority in the polls, he needed to do something fast. Who would believe him if he made his accusations if or when Creed became the President. The patient sitting in the next bed was singing along to the 'Soft Hits of KEZZ.' His voice, though slightly hoarse, could have been mistaken for the vocalist on the radio. Bobby caught himself listening to the older man when the mellow DJ came on the air. "KEZZ listeners," he paused and the only sound in the room was the steady beeps from the IV machine hooked to his father's left arm. "This may come as a shock to you but not more then twenty minutes ago, presidential candidate, Graydon Creed, was assassinated in front of several hundred people in Atlanta. The culprit has not been identified but each of our sources has agreed that a mutie was definitely involved. Though you may or may not have supported Creed's campaign it's always a shame when mutant lawlessness causes..." Bobby blanked the rest of the DJ's update out and his mind began racing with the repercussions that were bound to happen. With Creed dead, it almost proved his platform. Now it was just a matter of time until his supports and fellow FOH members begin mutant hunting in earnest. His hand unconsciously drifted towards the telephone but stopped just before grabbing the receiver. No, he told himself. I've broken my ties with the X-Men. They would know by now anyway. I have to think of my father's welfare first. He doubted anyone knew he was a former X-Man or that he even possessed a mutant gift. There was nothing he could immediately do but wait. Hank was the first to leave the War Room. His mind wasn't completely on the meeting after Cyclops said they were relocating. The only thing he could think of was his equipment and experiments that would have to be put on immediate hold. How would they transport half the things he had in the labs. And even if they could, he doubted less than half would remain intact. "Hank, could you perhaps spare a minute to talk before rushing back to your work," Joseph asked from down the passageway, interrupting Beast's brooding. "Huh. Certainly Joseph. What is the pressing problem?" "I think I've discovered a way to help Rogue inhibit or at least gain some semblance of control over her mutant ability." Hank stopped allowing Joseph to catch up with him before continuing towards the lab. "How might we accomplish this? I was aware Magnus possessed schooling in various fields but didn't know it included knowledge pertaining to genetic experimentation Joseph." "Actually my theory has nothing to do with genetics. More of like a trial and error experiment that we would have to ask Rogue if she is willing to participate in." "First I think we should discuss the details of this endeavor before approaching Rogue with the query. There's no need to get the girls hopes up without warrant. Come," Hank said, placing his hand on Joseph's shoulder. "Let's take this up in my lab." It was a work of art. Despite the fact that the assassin had made that scum sucking anti-mutant freak, Graydon Creed, a martyr, Domino had to admit that it was a perfectly executed hit. In broad daylight and in front of millions of viewers, he or she had gotten away with it and managed to escape. The covert espionage training in her wanted to congratulate the murderer but the mutant in her made her despise the bastard. "Nate, you haven't said a word since we saw this footage ten minutes ago. Why are you running the segment in a continuous loop," Domino asked Cable who was sitting in front of a large monitor, staring intently. She stood behind him with her hands on his shoulders. It was an odd feeling to touch both his cold cybernetic metallic arm with one hand and the warm flesh with the other. He turned to face her, his bionic eye blazing. "I noticed something on the initial run that I don't think too many others realized." He placed his organic hand over hers. It was a simple gesture but from such a hard as nails warrior, it meant a lot to Domino. She knew that with the power he possessed along with his incredible amount of military training, he was one of the most deadly humans on the planet. It wasn't too often that he showed a softer side to his lover. "What exactly did you see?" "I'm not quite sure. It's just something about the film that bothers me," he said as the tape rewound itself to repeat the assassination. If something was bothering Cable, Domino knew it was serious. "Dom, could you hand me that bag," Cable said, pointing towards a jumbled mess of electronic equipment lying haphazardly on the floor. She recognized almost half of the bizarre devices. Piled on top was a half open, military green duffle bag. Labeled on the side was "Misc. Prof. Parts." She grabbed both straps and lifted the surprisingly heavy bag. Nate was shifting a mouse around until he blocked off a square on the screen in the proximity of the killer. Dom laid the bag on Cable's lap and he rifled through it's contents. "Yes," he cried pulling out a square shaped box Domino had never seen before. One side contained a small television tube while the others were an array of small lights and buttons. Cable pulled two wires from one side until the cords were at their full length. The ends were similar to large phone jacks. Cable ran his fingers along the consul in front of him until he spotted the ports he was looking for. He lined them up and plugged the wires in. Instantly, a line of red lights lit up on the box and slowly went off one by one in sequence. "It should only take about five minutes max." "What does this doohickey do?" "If you look at the main monitor, you can barely make out a slight shimmer where the attacker had stood. I'm guessing that it's some sort of camouflage device that bends radiant light around the wearer, rendering them nearly invisible. I didn't think that this had been invented yet so I'm using an advanced decloaker or photo developer, in layman's terms, I rigged from left over parts from Graymalkin. Hopefully it will be able to pull the image up that I blocked off, enlarge and clarify the picture. Normally the process is instantaneous but that's if the gadget used in conjunction with sentient computers." "Then the guy we are dealing with is a definite professional." "As well as well funded. Whoever he is, it makes me wonder if we should go back to being the covert strike team." "Why is that?" "With the hysteria this is going to cause, it may be more benificial for the team to strike first, ask questions later to avoid this type of incident in the future." "Similar to our days as the Six Pack," Domino asked, a smile of remembrance creeping across her face. "First things first. We are going to take down this mutant scum ball who has just pushed mutant rights back fifty years. His methods were professional but his timing was downright amateur." Domino watched the small video screen on Cable's device as a faint blur slowly arranged itself to resemble a human form. The pixels shrunk until an obvious mutant costume appeared. Domino's hand once again reached out to Cable's and she squeezed gently. "Well it looks like our assassin hits a lot closer to home than we could have imagined." Cable didn't respond. His eyes were focused on the familiar visage on the screen. End Part II Next: X-Factor feels the repercussions.