Disclaimer: Yet again these character belong to Marvel and yet again, they knew nothing about this story therefore I'm making no profit from this. Comments suggestions?? We can be reached via e-mail at skruse@snd10.med.navy.mil Anything and everything is greatly appreciated. Recap: Cable and Domino have figured out who killed Graydon Creed and are going to the X-Men for help by Scott Kruse and Rob Alarcon Winds of Change Part III Valerie Cooper stood looking out her office window, towards the skyline. She was wearing a navy blue suit with a matching knee-length skirt. Her hair was tied in a tight bun. This was normal business attire her except there was one thing out of place. A thin tendril of blue smoke snaked it's way up from the cigarette lit between her fingers. It was a habit she had given up before graduating high school and hadn't returned to until after this morning's meeting. Valerie took a long inhalation from the cigarette and held it, breathing out only when she finally had to. She could not believe the last twenty four hours. If she wanted funds for a rec room, she would have to wait at least a week for results. However, over night, after Creed's assassination, her superiors were able to make instantaneous decisions about her team. Her team, she asked herself. Yes it was. She was slowly working her way into a field operative status and was nearly micro managing everything the team did now. Now that was all going to change. For every mission she decided was X-Factor material, she would need to report to someone before acting. Even if an emergency arose. There would also be missions, where even if she whole heartily disagreed, she had no authority to prevent X-Factor from going. Three sharp raps came from the door and Forge entered without asking permission. She slowly turned to greet him as he stormed his way towards her cluttered desk. "What is the meaning of this," he nearly yelled, clenching a sheet of paper in his human hand. She took one more puff from her cigarette and ground it into an obsidian ash tray she had purchased along with the cigarettes. She looked at him for a moment before answering. His head band was dark with sweat and his uniform shirt was torn in two places across the front. Obviously he had been working out before receiving her memo and didn't bother making himself presentable. "Things in X-Factor are going to change dramatically Forge. Things that are beyond my control." He stared at her for a moment and she wondered if she had said too much in those short statements. The team had always known she answerable to a higher level on the chain of command but was the decision maker on everything. "But this is for my resignation as field leader," he said, tossing the sheet of paper on top of the clutter on the desk. "Forge, you are an excellent leader however in recent months we haven't been able to utilize your gift to the fullest extent. You are not being denied a place among X-Factor. You are to be given control over the munitions and technology departments housed in Falls Edge." "This is ridiculous Val. Strong Guy has been in a coma for months now. Madrox has been recovered but in no condition to be reinstated on the team. And as much as I'd hate to say it we don't even have Random." "Forge-" "And while we're on the subject. Sabretooth and Mystique. Granted they are our best field operatives by themselves but their place is NOT on X-Factor. It's almost like a resurgent Freedom Force." Valerie's face flushed a dark crimson from anger. As much as she wanted to yell an explanation in his face, she couldn't. Maybe it was paranoia but what if her office was bugged. She was warned not to attempt to work behind her superior's back and if she did... They had left it at that to let the implied threat create it's own images. "Don't give me any more grief Forge. Just...just do it." "Fine. It'll be on your desk within the hour." She could hear the faint hum of strained electronic gears from his cybernetic arm clenching and unclenching a fist. Valerie waited until he marched out of her office before collapsing in her chair. Did everything she touch today have to go sour. Her hand drifted to the top drawer of her desk, looking for another cigarette but stopped before opening it. How bad could it get, she asked herself. REAL bad was the only answer she could provide. She placed her head in her hands while leaning over the desk, she recapped the details of her morning meeting. Polaris, The Mistress of Magnetism, though she hated that title due to it's implications of being associated with Magneto, was sprawled on her bed. Around her room, several suitcases had been hastily packed during the night. She was trying to phrase her request for a leave of absence from Forge for the past hour, but there was no proper way to put it. With the current state of the team, the last thing he would want is to be left alone to handle Sabretooth and Mystique. Wild Child and Shard would be there if they got out of hand but one was obviously intimidated by Sabretooth, as much as he tried to hide it, and the other was unreliable, in her opinion. There was something bothering her about the Creed assassination that she was hesitant to tell her teammates. Somehow she believed the threat to Mystique afterwards was more of a red herring than fact. Lorna ran her fingers through her lustrous green hair and decided not to ask for permission to leave. Not wanting to lay there and waste any more time, she sat up and stretched her arms. She didn't realize how tired she was until the rush of blood from her head nearly made her fall back to the pillow. "Time to get cracking," she said, while lightly slapping her face to wake herself back up. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught Wild Child about to knock on her open door. "Hey Kyle. What's going on?" "I didn't know you were going on vacation," he said noticing, the multiple trunks. "I know you women are always over packing 'just in case' but don't you think this is a little out of hand?" Lorna smiled at Kyle's attempt at humor. "Actually, I didn't tell anyone and no it's probably not enough. There are some personal matters I need to tend to outside of X-Factor. I should be back in no more then a month." "That long," Kyle said, frowning. "Is there something you'd like to talk about?" He stepped into the room and took a wooden chair that was pushed into a desk. Spinning it around he sat down and draped his arms over the top of the chair. It was still hard for her to believe that such a feral looking man could possess a golden heart. He reminded her a lot of Logan. He had a gruff exterior but when you peeled away the outer layers there was a man who cared deeply for each member of the X-Men. She considered telling him her thoughts thought decided against it. She wasn't one hundred certain of her hunch so why worry the others needlessly. "Not at the moment. Listen. Could you do me a favor?" "You know you only have but to ask." "Could you tell the others that you saw me and everything is all right and not to worry?" Kyle promised he would but knew if you said something like that than there was a reason to worry. Lorna lifted the nearest bag and threw the strap over her shoulder. There were three other bags which she could easily lift with her magnetic powers but Kyle hefted two of them by himself, leaving the last for Lorna. They left the room and headed down the hallway towards a set of elevators that would take them to the lobby level. On the way, a scowling Forge passed by in the opposite direction, seemingly oblivious to them. "I wonder what's eating him," Lorna said. Kyle only replied with a shrug. The taxi was already waiting for Lorna by the front doors. The trunk popped open just before they reached the taxi. After the bags were tossed into the trunk, Lorna thanked him for his help and hopped in the back seat. "Where to ma'am," the cab driver asked, staring at her green hair in the rear view mirror. "The airport please." The driver nodded at drove out of the Falls Edge compound. Lorna sat back at watched as the scenery flew by to distract her from her own thoughts. In her haste to pack, she hoped that she included enough money for a flight to New York to visit with the X-Men in hopes they could help. Valerie was permitted to enter the conference room by an older female secretary. Though she had been in it numerous times, it was hard for her to fathom it's size based on the waiting area outside. Normally the room was brightly lit but only a few bare bulbs illuminated the room. This was usually done when someone was going to be reprimanded. Seated above her, in a semicircle, were various heads of government, along with two men she had never seen. Stairs adjacent to the door led up the tier to where they were seated. She began to climb the stairs to take her usual position with the others but was order to remain below by the Secretary of State. Val had nearly snapped at him but remained calm, knowing just one word could end her career in DC. She looked at each one individually and they all returned her gaze with a stern one of their own. This is ridiculous, she thought. It's almost as if I'm the one they are to interrogate. "Take a seat," the Secretary said. In the center of the room was a lone chair which she hadn't noticed before. Curious as to what was going on, she complied without complaint. "Explain to us how Creed's assassin managed to pull off the murder and successfully escape without any positive identification being made." The voice came from behind her and she couldn't figure out who had spoken. The way the room was designed, all the echoes bounced off the walls were focused directly to the center of the floor, where she was seated. It was actually an intimidating function. When she had sat in the seats above, she had witnessed people cringe from just a normal tone of voice. "Mystique escaped and we considered her to be a primary threat, thereby focusing most of our attention on her retrieval." "So the possibility of another attacker never occurred to you?" "Not at all," she said sarcastically. This conversation was getting out of hand already. They were single handedly blaming her for Creed's death. "There were hundreds of patrolman present. How can you even begin to blame X-Factor for the entire fiasco? The numbers just don't compare." "We'll ask the questions here." That voice Val knew. It was unmistakenly Henry Peter Gyrich, head of project Wide Awake. Both were in charge of mutant affair branches but went about their assigned tasks differently. Gyrich was highly aggressive while Val chose to deal with problems as they developed. If he ever had his way, millions of dollars in property damage and uncountable deaths would result and not phase him in the slightest if the mutant problem was solved. "X-Factor's primary purpose is to deal with mutants. A mutant killed Creed. There for it was X-Factor's responsibility, regardless of the number of other law enforcement agents present. As head of the team, that responsibility inevitably falls upon you." Val's head sunk. She didn't agree with what the Secretary was saying at all. If everyone present in Atlanta was a mutant, did that imply that they were all under her jurisdiction. It was an impossible task. "Lately," the Secretary continued, "X-Factor has been lagging in their initial function. They have been assaulted by," he paused to reread a sheet of paper in front of him, "the Adversary, lost Alex Summers to who knows where, and captured a Henry McCoy look alike. Everyone of these has been due to personal matters getting out of hand. Have you official approved of these." Val was thoroughly confused by this last statement. "First off, the Adversary attacked us at Falls Edge. Havok left the team and the Beast look alike we stumbled upon. None of these were approved. It was more like dealing with the issues at hand as they arose." "So you are saying that you have no control over your team." "Mister Gyrich. You are here as an observer. Please try to remember that," the Secretary ordered. A small smile nearly crept unto her face at Gyrich's reprimand but withheld from doing so. There was no love lost between them but the way things were going, it was not a time to be smug. The Secretary leaned forward in his seat. "Miss Cooper, I admit I've been beating around the bush a little but there are things we've come to a decision about regarding X-Factor. First off we are going to increase your funding to an unlimited expense account, far beyond what you should be able to reasonable spend." Now Val had no idea where this was going. One second she was being accused for Creed's death and now they are giving her team a reward. "Originally the team was founded to locate mutants before they could become a threat. We believe it is our best interest to reestablish that as the main purpose for the team." "That's going to be hard. With the antimutant hysteria at an all time high, the last thing mutants will want to do is hunt their own." "That's what the increased funding is for." "So you are saying we make X-Factor a band of mercenaries. I don't think even half the team will stay on board. Sabretooth and Mystique are the only ones I can foresee agreeing to this. How do I go about explaining this to Forge and Polaris." "We will deal with those situations as they arise." "Assuming half the team does stay, we are short manned already. Who do you suggest we add? Some lunatic like McCoy we have locked up?" Val knew she was beginning to get out of control but didn't care. Everything was falling apart around her like a proverbial house of cards. "Actually, we have taken that into consideration. I don't believe you've met the head of Operation: Zero Tolerance. Bastion has been creating a group to deal with the mutant problem in the event Wide Awake is a failure. We are giving him control over X-Factor and more specifically, reorganizing the team." Val's heart sunk into her stomach. If they were firing her, why were they explaining all of this. It would have been easier to leave a pink slip on her office door. From out of nowhere, she had the urge to have a cigarette. She hadn't succumbed to that weakness in years but if this conversation kept on the same track, she would need one. "This is not to say that we no longer need you as a part of X-Factor. The members already hold you in high regard so your position will remain the same. However, you will be following orders issued by Bastion and report directly to him. Is all this understood?" The Secretary stared at her and though he tried to hide it, she thought she saw something behind his eyes to suggest he didn't agree with everything he had said. Val nodded solemnly. "I just have one question, if I may ask it?" "Go ahead." "Exactly who is being added to the team?" Bastion spoke for the first time. His voice was cold, almost wraith like. "I'm waiting for several candidates to answer my correspondence. Miss Cooper, you shall know as soon as I do." She waited for a moment in silence before taking her leave. End Part III Next: The assassin revealed