Disclaimer: Marvel makes 'em. We writes 'em. That settles 'em (hopefully) Suggestions and comments are welcome and greatly appreciated. Please e-mail skruse@snd10.med.navy.mil Recap: Beast has a mishap with the Legacy Virus and the identity of Creed's assassin is revealed. IMPORTANT WINDS OF CHANGE NOTES: Our story is going on a TEMPORARY hiatus. I'm losing access to my e-mail account for the next two and a half weeks. Also this is only half of part 5. We wanted to make sure something got out before the break. When we return, the next 4 or 5 parts should be done and posted every other day. Winds of Change Part V Scott Kruse and Rob Alarcon Lucius acted like any normal twelve year old boy. He was interested in playing sports, learning to like girls and collecting comics. However he had a hard time doing all three of those things. Lucius was born a mutant, and as luck, all bad, would have it, he was also disfigured. Across half his face and in patches along his body were purple 'birthmarks.' Most often when people saw him, the usual reaction was pity. But the marks were not a result of his x-gene. Lucius was able to emit scents based on his emotions. The problem was he had no control over his power. When he turned ten, he first showed signs of his true genetic nature. His parents, being highly fearful of mutants and their ilk, maliciously threw him out of their house. He was no longer able to go to school, play with the neighborhood kids or see his family. For one full month, Lucius wandered the streets of New York, begging for food and shelter. Luckily, many of the homeless, who could sympathize with being expelled from common society, showed the boy pity and took him in. One night while strolling through Central Park, he witnessed two red skinned men running as if from someone or something. Curiosity got the better of him and he followed them as best as his legs could. He lost sight of them twice, but didn't give up the chase. The two men stopped by a nondescript bush and looked around for any signs of pursuit. Seeing none, they tilted the bush and it made faint metallic clang. A hole must have been hidden beneath because they crawled down, pulling the bush on top just before disappearing. Lucius waited nearly an hour before investigating. Nobody had come into view the entire time he hid, so he assumed they lost whoever was following them. He ran across the short distance and anyone trailing him would have noticed a sweet spice aroma lingering where he sat. The bush the men had moved looked alive but when he touched it, some paint flecked off the plastic leaves. He tried to remember if they had pushed any secret levers to open the hatch but couldn't recall that they had. He grabbed the base of the bush and groaned while heaving his weight to one side. Surprisingly, it moved easily and he nearly fell from the over exertion. In the moonlight, Lucius could make out the top three rungs of a ladder soldered into the walls of a circular tunnel that led straight down. His eyes quickly scanned the park and everything appeared to be quiet. He took the first hesitant step and thought about what he was about to do. He had no family, no curfew and nobody he could consider a friend so without anything to lose he went down into the darkness, closing the lid behind him. At the bottom, five inches of stagnant water slowly meandered it's way around his ankles. The smell was utterly foul and he had to lean against the wall to avoid falling. He relaxed and slowly became used to the odor. His eyes adjusted as best they could in the darkness but he still couldn't see his hand in front of his face. A while back, he had read in one of his comics how Blaster Man escaped a maze crafted by his arch nemesis Arachnoid. He had placed his hand on one wall and though he found numerous dead ends, it was the foolproof way to eventually find the exit. Considering that to be his best option, Lucius followed suit and choose his right hand. He trudged through the water, making decent progress considering his eye sight was denied to him. Rats scampered away when they heard the sloshing of his feet. He had never been so scared in his short life. Every little sound sent shivers up his spine or froze him until enough time passed that whatever it was that made the sound decided he wasn't worth eating. He just prayed he wasn't stuck in one long loop and would never find out. Lucius felt as if he walked over ten miles. His feet were sore from the continual wetness, dragging, and bumping outcroppings too numerous to count. Frowning he realized he had made a mistake and carried on, head hung low. He was no longer conscious of each step when he tripped over a jutting pipe. Instantly alert, his arms pinwheeled in a vain attempt to maintain his balance. As his face rushed towards to fetid water, a hand grabbed the back of his shirt. A scream ripped from his lungs, piercing the deathly quiet of the network of tunnels. From the pores of his skin, a smell resembling a skunk's natural weapon overpowered the odor of the sewer water. "Oh gods," a voice belonging to the hand said, still maintaining its hold on Lucius's shirt. "Stop squirming boy. We are not going to hurt you. We just wanted to know why you were following us." Lucuis was unable to answer the man behind him. His lungs, completely expelled of air from his scream, weren't able to refill and respond. "I think the boy is a mutant." This voice came from a different person. It was much huskier and sounded as if each word was a struggle to pronounce correctly. "Why were you following us," the first asked again. "I just," Lucius gasped and swallowed. "I was just curious is all." I'd never seen a red man before, except in Blaster Man." "Why did you follow us? Aren't your parent above going to worry?" Lucius could feel the heavy stare, even in the utter darkness. "My parents gave up on me." In the months he had lived on his own, his resolve had hardened but the panic and fear he had been through in the past two hours caused his eyes to give in. Unseen tears spilled out of his eyes. "I think we should take him home," the second voice said. There was a slight pause before the first man spoke again. "Tell me boy. Do you want to a new family. One that won't despise and hate you for being different or a mutant?" Lucius nodded and the tears from his eyes were no longer from sorrow but from joy. To have a family again wasn't a hard decision to make. Lucius became on of the many new Morlocks residing in the tunnels under New York. Gambit sat on the edge of Storm's bed while she attempted to pack for their eventual move. He had come to the conclusion that since he didn't own as much personal property as everyone else, he could wait until the day before until he packed. Besides, they hadn't even found a place to move to anyway. "Stormy, you sure you wan' bring dis," he said holding up a picture. "I didn't know you had a t'ing for Mister T." The picture depicted her earlier days when she had worn a Mohawk. She laughed and threw a dress over Gambit's head. He had come to help her box her items but it seamed for every one thing she boxed up, he managed to pull out two to examine and comment on. "You know Remy, if I didn't know any better, I would think you came here to bother me more than help." She stood with her hands on her hips and smiled mockingly as he pulled the dress off of his head. Since he met her in Cairo, Ororo Monroe, held a special place in his heart. She was one of the only members of the X-Men to trust him implicitly instead of cast suspicious looks every time he walked by. Even after Onslaught proved to be the traitor to the X-Men, Storm, and occasionally Rogue gave him the time of day outside of combat, without showing signs of to contrary. "'ro, can we talk," he asked. The sorrowful look in his red on black eyes gave away exactly what he was thinking about. "Of course," she said, sitting beside him. She took his hand into hers and gave him a comforting squeeze. "I don' get it. Durin' Onslaught, I thought we'd worked t'ings out between de two of us but now dat Magneto's returned to de mansion, I see de looks she give him." "I don't know what she saw that made her run away but she did come back. You've got to give her a little time." "Time. How lon' do I have to wait? I've excepted de fact dat anyt'ing between us won' be perfect." He stopped speaking and shook his head. What did he need to do to prove himself. "Would you want an impartial party to speak with the girl?" "Impartial Stormy," he said, flashing her a grin. "Well maybe not completely impartial." She stood and pulled the picture out of his hands. "I thought you came here to help me pack. Stop making more work for me and while you're up there's an empty box over there that needs filling." "But I'm not up," Gambit said to which Storm answered by throwing another dress at his head. Lucius stood in front of the glass display case eyeing the autographed copy of Blasterman #2. Having lived with the Morlocks for over a year, they had provided food, clean water and shelter for him, but entertainment was hard to come by down in the tunnels. Luckily Lucius was able to move freely in the world above. It was a valuable asset to the Morlocks. He was only twelve years of age but had learned to steal newspapers and what to listen for while others talked. Who would suspect an unlucky kid with the terrible birthmarks all over his body lived a life none could imagine existed. For the past three months, Lucius had collected cans and bottles, returning them to the recycling depot until he had $26.50, just enough to cover the cost of the comic. All the hard work he invested was about to pay off. Lucius couldn't hide his excitement, giving off the faint spicy odor associated with his emotion. "I'd like that please," he said, beaming. The store owner was a large man, prone to working with a hangover he swore daily he'd one day avoid. He rubbed his eyes, nearly scraping his hand on the two days growth he'd forgotten to shave off. Carefully, he lifted himself off the stool that he rarely moved from. Four small dents in the white tile floor prevented the stool from shifting with his weight. "Ugh. This one here," he asked pointing to indicated comic. "YES," Lucius said a bit too loudly. Though he now barely remembered his parents, certain things he learned from them clearly stood out. One was never let a salesman know you're interested, that's when they'll get you. "Yes. That's the one I'd like," he said, trying to sound older and less interested. "That'll be twenty six fifty." He cleared his throat and swallowed. Gonna have to quit smoking too, he mused for the tenth time that day. Lucius pulled out a wad of disorganized singles from his blue jeans and began counting aloud. The store owner blinked a few time. Why did it have to be so bright in here and why do kids always have these loud voices? As Lucius counted, the proprietor noticed the ugly birthmarks across his face. Poor kid, he thought, which was his first kind thought of the day. "Nineteen, twenty," Lucius counted the last of the singles. He dug into his pockets for the change buried in them. "Tell you what kid. How 'bout you give me the twenty dollars and we'll call it even." "Really." Maybe his parents were wrong. "Sure kid." Then he noticed it. The faint spice aroma he smelled before but thought nothing of it. It was coming from the kid. "What was it you ate before you came in here? It smells pretty good." "Nothing..." He knows, Lucius thought. He was getting scared but couldn't hide it as the skunk smell betrayed him. "Ung." The store owner's nose wrinkled in disgust. I bet he's one of those muties. No wonder he looks like that. He debated on throwing the kid out of his store but twenty dollars was twenty dollars, regardless of the source. After ringing up the sale and handing the kid his purchase, he looked around for a little slip of paper he had written a phone number down on. Where is it, he asked himself frantically searching his pockets. The Friends of Humanity were offering fifty dollars for any mutant confirmed sighting and five hundred for any information that led to the capture of a mutant. They had decided that mutants had gone too far with Creed's assassination and they were going to put a stop to it. This kid was an easy catch if he could just find- There it is tucked into his back pocket along with two overdue bills. He reached for the phone and dialed the number. End Part V