Welcome to my World.......

buzard - 12/23/00 23:15:52
What did you think of my ramblings?: always a delight
What did you like most?: you
Least?: no recent updates
Any suggestions?: yeah.... a recent pic of the author! ;)
Wanna share your thoughts?: sure... but could you handle them? hehe

Hi Terryann. Just stopping by to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and all the best in the new year. Even after this long a time, I still miss you, we were once very close and I've not forgotten for you sweet lady will forever be in my heart. Please take care. Love Jack

buzard - 12/23/00 23:13:35
What did you think of my ramblings?: always a delight
What did you like most?: you
Least?: no recent updates
Any suggestions?: yeah.... a recent pic of the author! ;)
Wanna share your thoughts?: sure... but could you handle them? hehe


Paul Tervit (aka DocNZ) - 08/26/00 11:23:02
My Email:tervit@ihug.co.nz

I stumbled apon this site, and nearly died of shock. God knows how long it been since I last spoke to you. Names like TerryNZ,Oatmeal, itsy, maggi bring back pangs of long lost friendships. It was exciting times on #oldies. You will always hold a special lace in my heart. Keep in touch. Paul

Farmerjoe - 03/11/99 12:57:37
My URL:http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/joe_roberts/farmerjo.htm
My Email:farmerjoe@webtv.net
What did you think of my ramblings?: Ramblings? no, wisdom.
What did you like most?: all of it
Any suggestions?: keep up the good work.
Wanna share your thoughts?: been homesteading for over 20 years,love it.

A great site,one of the best i've yet visited. Please visit our humble homestead.

cadbunny - 01/09/99 03:22:10
My URL:http://xanthi.mhost.com
My Email:cadbunny@primenet.com
What did you think of my ramblings?: beautifulbeautifulbeautiful
What did you like most?: you make everyone feel like family
Least?: no shrine to me!
Any suggestions?: more entries!

I love you all! E-mail me your snailmail addie so i can send you postcards from the UK! everyone in #idajo misses you and the girls tons (and your homepage stuff got formatted with mom's hard drive while i was there, tarryn.. BIG oops!) but i miss you even more than that *schniff*HUGS*

maggi - 01/06/99 00:48:18
My URL:http://www.esprit.net
My Email:maggi@esprit.net
What did you think of my ramblings?: I've always loved them
What did you like most?: Sharing that part of your life
Wanna share your thoughts?: Sure do ...

I'm so glad i found you once again .. dear sweet terry! .. i miss you and i miss talking to you. I'm also so very happy for you in your wonderful new life and happy that everything is going so very well for you. I'm glad to have been a part of your life - however small - a part that i know i'll never forget. (And besides, ain't NO ONE that can do a 'dirty diaper routine' quite like us, eh??) Warm *hugs* and you take care of

Andy Kirk - 12/14/98 19:57:17
My Email:andykirk@bitsmart.com
What did you think of my ramblings?: great
Wanna share your thoughts?: yes - below in comments

Hi Terry, I am Andy - Sarah's Umm - 'friend'??? she told me about you and suggested I say Hi!! My ICQ numbers are: 23601620 14003623 Would love to hear from you - Any friend of Sarah is a friend of mine.. Andy.....

10/28/98 13:01:02
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

Cindy - 09/10/98 07:34:02
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

- 08/25/98 06:24:34


Gareth McDonald - 08/25/98 06:15:23
My Email:logical@telconet.co.zw
What did you think of my ramblings?: Excellent

Hi Terry, I really enjoyed your web-page. Interesting stuff in there that you hadn;t told us before. Anyway alls well here with everyone. Luv ya lots, Gareth

Kara's Dynamic Sex - 08/14/98 08:56:05
My URL:http://www.dynamicsex.com/

My name is Kara. Just dropped by while surfing your GeoCities neighborhood. This stuff is great. Anyway, I noticed you had a guestbook, so I figure I would plug my web site - Kara's DynamicSex. Check it out sometime!

Pat - 07/29/98 13:59:36
My Email:Buffy6@webtv.net

I am so glad that you were able to correct the problem. I am so happy that you are up and about. Just don't overdo. I just can't wait for the next installment. Keep up the good work.

Tarryn - 07/27/98 07:47:29
My Email:sweetrose_@hotmail.com
What did you think of my ramblings?: Well, I didn't read them, but I'm sure they're really good, because you have the mind of a genious
What did you like most?: The pictures, they're really pretty.
Least?: Well I think you should make your page for all ages
Any suggestions?: Maybe add a few games, or even make a page about your kids
Wanna share your thoughts?: and put cartoon pictures all over it, and tell the veiwers what your kids like etc..

Your page is really cool. 2 live is to die 2 SK8 is 2 live Luv YA

Tarryn - 07/27/98 07:47:11
My Email:sweetrose_@hotmail.com
What did you think of my ramblings?: Well, I didn't read them, but I'm sure they're really good, because you have the mind of a genious
What did you like most?: The pictures, they're really pretty.
Least?: Well I think you should make your page for all ages
Any suggestions?: Maybe add a few games, or even make a page about your kids
Wanna share your thoughts?: and put cartoon pictures all over it, and tell the veiwers what your kids like etc..

Your page is really cool. 2 live is to die 2 SK* is 2 live Luv YA

Marny - 06/19/98 06:39:53
My Email:msfair@ix.netcom.com
What did you think of my ramblings?: You've done the impossible! Kept my ADDorable mind fully attentive!
What did you like most?: The way I felt transported to your place--where's the hot cocoa!
Least?: The pages with no place for me to click my heels together to go "Home"
Any suggestions?: Ummm. Dark print for my tired old eyes and a tad larger, maybe.
Wanna share your thoughts?: Here? or in the "Your Comments" area?

Terry, it's bad enough that I spend too time on the 'puter in all my Favorites and visiting on IM with so many friends... but now YOU come along and snag me! What will become of me! Woe is me! ;-) My dear Terry... you are far from 'ordinary' ... get with the program and just know that I say "Thank You for the lovely time! -- and I look forward to your updates." NOW I'm done, as I look west and try to spot you out in your yard ... from my yard here in San Diego, California.

Pat - 06/16/98 22:52:59
My Email:Buffy6@webtv.net
What did you think of my ramblings?: wonderful
What did you like most?: everything
Wanna share your thoughts?: yes I do.

I really enjoyed your journal. You really are a good writer. As i was reading, I actually could picture everything. It was so enjoyable to read your journal. Thanks so much for sharing your life. I am looking forward to more of your warm and wonderful rantings.

Anne MacDonald Coleman - 05/22/98 23:36:33
My URL:http://homepages.tcp.co.uk/~wiseowl/life.html
My Email:wiseowl@tcp.co.uk
What did you think of my ramblings?: Very Entertaining!
What did you like most?: The tale of your cows
Any suggestions?: a Home link on each page would be nice.

Hi there LOTH sister! I really enjoyed your tales from downunder. I too am a wannabe 'perfect housewife' who falls far short in reality! Come and visit my little bit of the web and pick up a gift from my LOTH page.!

Anne /|\ Wiseowl

Mitzie Hilton - 05/09/98 04:14:41
My Email:mitzie_hilton@hotmail.com
What did you think of my ramblings?: Painted a picture in my mind!

Your writing style makes your words come alive to the reader.....I feel as if I could see what was going on in the excursions, calf chasing, etc. You are a very talented lady. Please take time to write more often.

Loretta aka granny - 04/19/98 03:50:41
My URL:/Paris/Metro/4956
My Email:lmoody@HiWAAY.net
What did you think of my ramblings?: love them
What did you like most?: your journal

love your pages and your journal!! Have bookmarked it so I can come visit again!! I invite you to come visit my humble home on the net!! Loretta your sister in LOTH

Rea - 04/04/98 02:10:41

hey gal just at my cousins and looked you up :)

Marita - 04/01/98 17:06:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/2661/
My Email:mlhood@tsixroads.com
What did you think of my ramblings?: great
What did you like most?: all of it

A very good page. Good to meet another LOTH

JoAnn - 03/17/98 19:43:03
My Email:idajo@oz.net
What did you think of my ramblings?: Your ramblings, as always, bring me joy, laughter and tears....what more could one ask of ramblings?
What did you like most?: Where does one start??
Least?: ---
Any suggestions?: Not even one.
Wanna share your thoughts?: You betcha!!

A long time ago, you shared your first Journal page with me and wondered if I thought it was "worth" putting on a website. *smile* You, my dear friend, continue to bring words to life. Your words paint pictures that leap off the page and gather us in...allowing us to become, for a few moments in time, part of the warm and loving family circle you've chronicled with such love. Thank you for sharing your gift...your insight... your strength and gentle spirit with those of us who are truly blessed to be counted among your friends. *hugs*......Jo

KT - 03/13/98 16:15:50
My URL:/Heartland/Plains/7437/
My Email:kht@nwlink.com
What did you think of my ramblings?: wonderful


Please concider being a EnchantedForest Community Leader The Kids Really NEED You... For every detail you need please go to this url.. http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/1004/leaders.html

Chris (LilDude irc name) - 03/07/98 00:10:27
What did you think of my ramblings?: Cool!
What did you like most?: The Whole page;)
Least?: none
Any suggestions?: none
Wanna share your thoughts?: no thanx

i like the page terry....very clever a beatiful i love it!!! From: Chris (buz's Son)

theodore - 03/05/98 09:57:05
My Email:truthdragon@loop.com
What did you think of my ramblings?: Love them very much!
What did you like most?: The variety of ideas..
Least?: Nothing yet...
Any suggestions?: I don't know...
Wanna share your thoughts?: Someday...

Under the page called. Pages Using my Graphics, the button to click on saying sign my guestbook, I don't get the finger cursor. So I have to access it elsewhere on your page. BTW you were right about me being on someone elses page that last time. It confused me how I got there. I think it was a link from your page, or a link I accessed without fully knowing how. So everything else is great. Hang in there Mom. Your ride of carrying will be over soon. Then the relief and fun will begin. (charish the quiet while you still have it.) With love. truthdragon.

Tony Creamer - 03/04/98 14:45:28
My Email:aecreamer@home.com
What did you think of my ramblings?: loved them
What did you like most?: down on the farm
Any suggestions?: tell me more


Edward - 02/24/98 23:58:19
My Email:Siege@juno.com
What did you think of my ramblings?: i read about half of them... there pretty cool
What did you like most?: the pictures!
Least?: couldn't tell ya...
Any suggestions?: more pictures!
Wanna share your thoughts?: hey terry! this is billy's son ed, nice page ya got there! hehe, i remember when you where known as chricp

hey terry, i'm moving out soon but i'm keeping my email address so keep in touch,

Bill Hughes - 02/23/98 06:08:25
My Email:wthughes@voicenet.com

didn't have a chance to read you writings yet, but I am sure they are very interesting :) Now that I found you again we can keep in touch like before.

Heidi aka Lowcloud - 02/03/98 02:54:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/9847/ or http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/1057/
My Email:lowcloud@geocities.com
What did you think of my ramblings?: They were wonderful and an inspiration to me -- my husband and I have dreamt of a similar paradise for our future!
What did you like most?: The move to Little Eden
Least?: The first couple entries, it seemed as though you were still finding your niche.
Any suggestions?: Keep writing, on the web if not in publications!!
Wanna share your thoughts?: Your writing style reminds me of my Mom's, and I love it!

I'd be more than happy to add you to the HWC list! I'm so glad you came by and emailed me. Reading your journal has made my day.

cjp - 01/18/98 02:16:52
What did you think of my ramblings?: keep it up my luv
Wanna share your thoughts?: not here


Ruth - 01/13/98 18:05:07
My URL:http://www.octonet.com/~steinfat/
My Email:steinfat@octonet.com
What did you think of my ramblings?: Really enjoyable
What did you like most?: your descriptive manner of writing
Least?: Ohhh..the poor little goat

I truly enjoyed your journal..you are a person who is enjoying life to the fullest. Strange that most people are always 'waiting' for life...I live on Vancouver Island, B.C. Canada and people tell me our landscape is very similar to yours! Ocean, mountai s, rolling hills with sheep..I too have found my paradise!

Annette - 01/11/98 15:34:38
My URL:http://members.aol.com/bberrycrk/bcj.html
My Email:Bberrycrk@aol.com
What did you think of my ramblings?: I love them!
What did you like most?: I have just gotten started, so I don't know yet.
Any suggestions?: Ok, we are ready for you to write some more! :^)

I am glad that I have found your site. It will be a pleasure to go through the journal pages.

John Devlin - 01/09/98 06:23:04
My Email:jdevlin
What did you think of my ramblings?: interesting
What did you like most?: seeing your view of home ect... in the pics

thoughts are many...mostly that of interest and admiration of your strength, Chris sounds like a special person to stand by and support you through your severe times of need, You are a lucky woman...many friends and strong family support.... Keep it going woman John

Connie (Oweta) - 12/22/97 01:59:31
My Email:music@accutek.com
What did you like most?: Pictures

I loved your honestie .. a warm loving person.. with real thoughts.. real feeling.. and that is .. for sure. a rare thing these day.. keep going .. can't wait to read the next.. Page.. Oweta..

Oatmeal - 11/20/97 00:17:20
My Email:cobra@cobra-net.com
What did you think of my ramblings?: Absolutely loved it. IT's been a while since I've had a chance to catch up on what you've been up to.
What did you like most?: Everything.
Least?: Not being able to read more
Any suggestions?: nope
Wanna share your thoughts?: na, I'd get arrested....hehehehe

Hope all is well with you. Hope to catch you on IRC sometime altho I have to admit I've been pretty busy and have stayed away from IRC so that I could get some work done heheheheh.

Itsy - 10/29/97 20:40:10
What did you think of my ramblings?: Loved them!!!!
What did you like most?: The stories

Great great stories!! Find a publisher and make a book

buzard - 10/29/97 13:33:59
My URL:http://calgary.shaw.wave.ca/~jroussy
What did you think of my ramblings?: Love your ramblings! :)
What did you like most?: Your wonderful writing style.
Least?: N/A
Any suggestions?: a pucture of the author would be nice! ;)
Wanna share your thoughts?: I have thoughts? hehehe

Your Journal page looks great Terry, I love your writing style and you make everything a pleasure to read, keep up the wonderful page! :)

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