Make no Mistake...this is my territory...

...and You should not have come here!

Ha-hawk! Ry-tur, Forgotten Prince of Diamond, is actually the very dangerous Fictioneer of my Personality.
Here in the Lair we usually put up half-finished ideas and pretty comic book pictures. That's why we're so glad Mr. Wonderful has archived his extremely popular Question and Answer Sessions. Now we're only semi-fictional!

HEY YOU BUNNIES! Enter RY-TUR's great Quote Contest!!!

Mister Wonderful's Archives!!!
The Advice Column Your Mother Warned You About

RY-TUR's picture gallery will return when we figure out exactly what it's supposed to do. Mr. Dark blames Mr. Malice for the inconvenience. Thank you.

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© 1997 Mark Anthony Masterson

Those who invite folly can write to