words from the thus come one inspired...

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a book i've been reading recently is _big sky mind_ (isbn: 1-57322-501-0) .  it's an anthology of beat poetry that was touched by buddhism.  for those of you who don't know, the beats were a group of writers who, starting in the late '40s, were able to spark the expansion of opinion and consiousness that culminated in the '60s counterculture.   writers like william burroughs, allen ginsberg, and jack kerouac were the most famous of this group. 

here are few samples of the writings to be found in _big sky mind_ .   be sure to let me know what you think!

Death himself,
    (Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor)
    stands grinning, beckoning.
Plutonium tooth-glow.
Eyebrows buzzing.
Strip-mining scythe.

Kali dances on the dead stiff cock.

    Aluminum beer cans, plastic spoons,
plywood veneer, PVC pipe, vinyl seat covers.
        don't exactly burn, don't quite rot,
        flood over us.

        robes and garbs
        if the Kali-yuga

                end of days.

                                    Gary Snyder, 1975





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