intangible oddities

I love this stuff. If I'd known about this much earlier in life, I think I'd be an even happier camper. So what is this 'role-playing' stuff? To put it in its most simplistic terms, it's a bunch of people using their imaginations in more grown-up versions of 'play pretend'. There are, however, people who have explained this phenomenon better than I can at this point in time, so I shall link you to them. :)

Games that I play!


This is the primary game I play nowadays, so much so that I've put up a site, of sorts, to it. It's called Dystopian Visions, and contains some SR material, some of my ramblings and scribblings, and my list of writing credits. Just about all of my original SR material (except for the cruddy stories which I may edit and put up in the future, and my published material, which you'll have to read in the books unless they get rejected) can be found there.

A few characters of mine:

Sites that one should visit:

I could go on listing sites, but just about all of the important ones are listed and can be found either through one of the sites listed above or the Shadowrun Web Ring (found through Dumpshock).

World of Darkness and other games

Makers of games such as Mage, Vampire, Werewolf, Changeling and Hunter for the Storytelling system as well as Scarred Lands for the new d20 system for D&D. There's a plethora of sites and resources out there, so I'll list a few of the more popular and/or interesting as well as link some of my stuff.

And of course, here's a selection of some of my 'contributions':

In Nomine

A very fun game where you play on either the side of Heaven or Hell in the War. I've got just two characters for this so far, a Bright Lilim by the name of Iris and a Mercurian named Shi. I'm also working on Iris' story, so when I have it done I'll link it. The campaign in which I'm using her is located here on my friend Cameron's site. Thanks to the World Weavers site for the character sheets I've been able to print up as well as entertaining and useful things to read.

Other Resources