Welcome to the Kalliope Mailing List
Once subscribed to send messages to the list the following address must be used: kalliope@scn.org
Kalliope is a poetry workshop based on exercises illustrating a variety of basic poetic theory and technique. Members of the workshop learn by critiquing each others exercises, as well as by writing and being critiqued. The workshop is "a poetry course with lab".
Membership is open to everyone with a desire to learn more of the craft of poetry and a willingness to work at it. You will get out of the course what you put into it, so please be willing to spend several hours a week on critique, as well as on study and writing, if you sign up for Kalliope.
If you would like to make any change to this list, please send a request to majordomo@scn.org and that request will be processed or forwarded to the list owner. The following are some basic requests:
To unsubscribe from this list, mail a message to majordomo@scn.org with no subject and the message body containing:
unsubscribe kalliope
To subscribe to this list from another address, mail a message to majordomo@scn.org from that address with no subject and the message body containing:
subscribe kalliope
To get help about other majordomo commands regarding this list, mail a message to majordomo@scn.org with no subject and the message body containing:
Anitra L. Freeman (alf1701@scn.org)
For questions regarding more general majordomo issues please send a note to the Majordomo Owner - majordomo-owner@scn.org.