Retropoet Central Station


Something to read while the background loads

Slow loading tonight? Try reading one of my poems here, instead. Also, you could try delphi for a quick poetry fix.


I originally wrote these pages in HTML 3.2, after having downloaded the ‘rules’ off a helpful website.  Now they are using HTML version 4.0 or higher, which involves style sheets and other complicated folderol.  So I am opening the old pages with Microsoft Word, then editing them.  Progress is slow, so bear with me, please. 

I hope my page looks interesting to you. If it does, then Praise Parmethius ! Read one poem, I suggest, then come back in a week and try a different category. If you do this, you will not run out of things to read for a long, long, time. After you have read one poem, use the links to visit something completely different.  There are at least 50 pages (there is not very much on each one, so it is not so impressive as it may sound) and less than half as many backgrounds, for which I give credit whenever possible. HOWEVER, almost all of my pages are designed so that you may read them without the background loading, so if you want to turn off your browser's auto-load feature for visual stuff, go right ahead.  If you find a page hard to read because of color choices, e-mail me. (Praise Parmethius at the bottom of the page.) One Final note: If you want music, If you want animations, If you want more backgrounds, please visit my friends, you will find them on my links pages. I also have links to some fine poetry.


Below are some summaries of the kinds of poetry you might find inside:

Time to Rhyme

Here is your occasional song, iambic pentameter, or whatever it takes to rhyme. Write your own music.          Example:  "Unkind Thoughts"

Insomniac Dreams. 

You can control your dreams. If you want to fly, you can. But first, you have to remember your dreams. Here is what can come of that.



Anything that won't fit into a category goes in here. Think of it as nuclear poetry. The bomb shelter page. The world in bellbottoms. Basic stumblebummery.


Poetry by Others

I have collected my favorite poems and published them here.  Send me your favorite poem, I would love to add to my collection.


Cheesey Poem City, Arizona.

Example: "Birth Trauma"


Partial Script for Movie

Just for fun, I started adapting one of my poems to a screenplay. Then I lost interest.

Bridge, the Card Game.


This stuff is totally in disarry.  I did not have an outline before I started.  I put in links before the pages were typed in.  You can easily get lost and frustrated.  I do intend to fix it, soon, though.   Enter Bridge Here.


Links to other Poets (17NOV98)

On the same page with links to poetry by others on my website, is links to other poets on the web.


You know how it is, people tend to e-mail jokes to their friends. Since I am from the gopher state (?!?), I save the jokes and put them here for awhile. Dig it.

July Letters to the Retropoet

September Letters to the Retropoet

October letters to the Retropoet

December letters to the Retropoet

older letters



Land of the Link Lizards.

I am going to put all the links on one huge file.  Coming Soon:  Megalink-2


Dead Letters, Old Jokes .

If you are a frequent visitor, this is a redundant page. Those who are new may want to read old letters that were sent to me (hint; if they are funny or if they used to be funny, or if they in any other way do not qualify as a RANT, then they go here, when their time on the LETTERS page is up. A frequent visitor will have already seen this stuff on the letters page(s).

Just the FAQS, ma'am!

A special page, listing all web pages found that say "Just the FAQS, ma'am", and with links to lots of useful and useless FAQS pages. Small now, but this page is gonna grow (If I ever get the time, that is)!  Coming Soon:  Megalink-2


Hotel Soap Humor .

A semi-permanent addition to my pages, formerly an e-mail to the Retropoet. It is long, but funny.

The Obligatory Awards Page Updated: Mar. 03, '97 (that was the last award, OK, the only award, I got)

I GOT ONE? It was as much a surprise to me as anything.

FOOTNOTES, Where Thoughts Get Kicked Around

Retroquotes .

I have seen pages that people put their favorite quotes on. They are too long, one gets overloaded reading all the quotes. Despite these objections, I am going to start one anyway. At least then, I can go back and remember ones I may have forgotten. The trouble is, I forget a quote before I get to the computer to type it in. Real memorable quotes, EH?


Wish List.

This could be a book, a CD, or (shudder) a TV show, or even a movie. Things a perfect consumer (me) might like. Mainly, this is where I would place a short review, or maybe a sample, to convince you.


Movie Reviews

Movies that others want me to watch. Sometimes a review, sometimes a "yagaddawatchdis". Now includes movies I rented, which I rate from one to four stars.


Movies That Moved Me

Close Encounters of the Third Kind tops the list. My favorite movies of all time, rated by how often I have watched them. Only movies I have seen more than once get on this list.


Critics Pick the Best Movies of 1998.

Then I play with some numbers to get my own "consensus" of the best.


Don't Go There-dot-Rant-dot-Rave.

If you are PC then, perhaps, you will not like this page. Closely related to the letters page and the jokes page (above). Now, there is a spinoff, mostly humorous, of bumper stickers!


All The Print That's Fit to Type .

A woefully short list of books that I have read in 1998.  The list was so short after that, I stopped posting it.


The Original Rant & Rave Page

The original rant page grew too big, so it has been split in two. This is the original. How mad can a guy get?


Bill of Rights Rant

I support the constitution of the United States of America. Some people would put limits on the Bill of Rights, and perhaps rightly so. Here is what one member of the Congress of the United States of America said about the Bill of Rights.


Bumper Stickers.

Another list! The favorite bumper stickers of the Retropoet!


Archive of Books Read Twice

Some books were so good, or so packed with information, that I read them twice (or more). See here.


Archive of Books Read .

What did I read in the past? See here. Included are 1988, 1989, then jumps to 1997.


Talk about TV .

It is just another list. An outdated one, at that. I am just too far behind.

I am peeved .

This is a hopelessly oudated page.  If I am watching TV, then the web page does not get updated.  If I am updating the web page, then I have no favorite TV programs, get it?


Recommended Reading .

Books I thought I would like to read based on reviews or recommendations of others. Do you recommend a book? Did I spell recommend correctly?


In the tradition of keeping a fast loading site, there are no sound-bite files to download.


My Jukebox

You won't be able to hear anything. I just tell you what music I have loaded and ready to play on my 5 cd changer on my stereo system.  This is an archive, because I stopped updating it.


Now Playing

A review of Pat Boone's "In a Metal Mood" on the Now Playing page (I bought it because of the cover of Stairway to Heaven)! Also a few good reviews can be found on this page, which lists cd's that I listen to while I am using the computer.  An archive.  I stopped updating this.


Retropoet Music Review

Sometimes one of my recent purchases thrills me so much that I have to share it with you. There are no bad reviews, because I hide those here and there all over the place. You cannot download it here, I just TALK about the music.


Tune Tag

I kept track of every tune I could remember that entered my consciousness for four months in 1997. Just out of curiosity I did this. But it serves to illustrate to you how important music is to me. On the enrtry for April 24th, I added a link so that you can read the lyrics to "Fishheads". You won't be able to hear anything. I just tell you what I can hear at home and at work and in the car and on and on and....a list of tunes that pop into my head and go on automatic repeat, or sometimes, cause me to burst into song. Trust me, this was a labor of love. 


CD's that I listened to in 1998.

This is an archive of the "My Jukebox" page, above, before I stopped archiving on November 13, 1998.


CD's that I listened to in 1997.

This is an archive of the "My Jukebox" page, above.

CREDITS and Cretins

Visitor's Page.

Just a personal page, things going on for visitors to Minneapolis. Last entry was where to get a good chocolate cake.


Wallpaper Boutique

The Background on this page and others like it was designed by Stormi. The Wallpaper Boutique features many Original Background Designs. You probably won't want to change the colors and mess them up like I did with this one.


WWA Wrestling .

This, the website of the Western Wrestling Association (WWA), closely involves some people near and dear to my heart.

Thank You For Your Time

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