1.       RETROPOET


You will need a pretty new browser to get the full effect of this page.  Like Microsoft version 5.0.  There are screen tips imbedded in the links. 

Best viewed at 800 by 600 resolution with twelve thingies to the inch setting on your browser.

Ø                  Automobile:  Autoshop Online

Ø                  Automobile:  Blue Book

Ø                  Automobile:  Carpoint dot COM

Ø                  Awards:  Geocities Colosseum Website 3025    

Ø                  Baby:  Baby Namer

Ø                  Backgrounds:  Background Binh

Ø                  Backgrounds:  Color values

Ø                  Backgrounds:  Eric's Hot Page

Ø                  Backgrounds:  Ford Prefect

Ø                  Backgrounds:  Frost

Ø                  Backgrounds:  Geocities Wellesley 5420

Ø                  Backgrounds:  Honey

Ø                  Backgrounds:  Infinite Fish

Ø                  Backgrounds:  Julia

Ø                  Backgrounds:  SDSU graphics archive

Ø                  Backgrounds:  SFSU graphics archive

Ø                  Backgrounds:  Patternland

Ø                  Backgrounds:  Pegasus

Ø                  Backgrounds:  Rose

Ø                  Backgrounds:  Stormi

Ø                  Backgrounds:  Web graphics and sounds

Ø                  Best I've Seen:  Frost

Ø                  Best I've Seen:  Matt's Script Archives

Ø                  Best I've Seen:  Music Planet

Ø                  Best I've Seen:  Pegasus

Ø                  Best I've Seen:  Rose

Ø                  Best I've Seen:  Stormi

Ø                  Bridge:  Archive of Bridge

Ø                  Bridge:  Bridge Index

Ø                  Bridge:  castiglione del lago

Ø                  Bridge:  Easy Bridge

Ø                  Bridge:  Notes on the Structure

Ø                  Bridge:  OK Bridge

Ø                  Bridge:  Overcall System Notes

Ø                  Bridge:  Power Doubles

Ø                  Bridge:  Roberto Scaramuzzi

Ø                  Bridge:  Rod Roark

Ø                  Bridge:  The Structure

Ø                  Bus:  see –- Government –- Metro Transit

Ø                  Charity:  see –- Ecology or Organizations

Ø                  Chat:  Chat Dictionary

Ø                  Clothing:  Eddie Bauer

Ø                  Clothing:  History of Costumes

Ø                  Collecting:  Jessica Hagen's Totally Barbie

Ø                  Crime:  All Points Bulletin

Ø                  Crime:  Detective

Ø                  Crime:  Pirates of Silicon Valley

Ø                  Crime:  Police, St. Paul, Minnesota

Ø                  Culture:  Art Crawl dot ORG

Ø                  Culture:  Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco

Ø                  Culture:  Jonna's Artrek

Ø                  Culture:  Museum of Bad Art

Ø                  Culture:  Smithsonian Museum

Ø                  Dreams:  Archive of Dreams

Ø                  Dreams:  Lucid Dreams

Ø                  Dreams:  Ultimate Dreams Links page

Ø                  Dreams:  Words and Dreams

Ø                  Ecology:  Compost Bin

Ø                  Ecology:  Compost Systems

Ø                  Ecology:  League of Conservation Voters

Ø                  Ecology:  see -- Organizations

Ø                  Ecology:  Recycling -- Minneapolis

Ø                  Education:  Funding -- College Board

Ø                  Education:  Funding -- Federal Booklets

Ø                  Education:  Funding -- Kaploan dot COM

Ø                  Education:  Gocollege dot COM

Ø                  Education:  Job Career Information Center

Ø                  Education:  University of Minnesota, Minnesota Extension Service

Ø                  Education:  Minneapolis k-12 (MIS)

Ø                  Friends:  Alex Wagner

Ø                  Friends:  Andeby

Ø                  Friends:  Angela

Ø                  Friends:  annibale

Ø                  Friends:  Ann-s-thesia

Ø                  Friends:  Armchair Millionaire

Ø                  Friends:  Bambi's Share a Dream

Ø                  Friends:  Big Scary Housewife

Ø                  Friends:  Brie

Ø                  Friends:  camba

Ø                  Friends:  Crystalbear's Homepage

Ø                  Friends:  Dreamworld

Ø                  Friends:  Earth Mother

Ø                  Friends:  Final Fantasy VII

Ø                  Friends:  Geocities Times Square Stadium 1851

Ø                  Friends:  Geocities Tokyo Dojo 1240

Ø                  Friends:  Jamie DeCas

Ø                  Friends:  Jonna

Ø                  Friends:  Julia

Ø                  Friends:  Lazy B Llama Ranch

Ø                  Friends:  Maggie Estep Fan

Ø                  Friends:  Meara

Ø                  Friends:  Mildew

Ø                  Friends:  Minnesota Fishing

Ø                  Friends:  Mmontague 

Ø                  Friends:  Purple Cow

Ø                  Friends:  Retta's Place

Ø                  Friends:  Richard LaLonde

Ø                  Friends:  Roger

Ø                  Friends:  scottss

Ø                  Friends:  Six Degrees dot COM

Ø                  Friends:  Steve's Classy Chassis

Ø                  Friends:  Stupid Page of Dinosaurs

Ø                  Friends:  Stupid Page of Rocks

Ø                  Friends:  Surprise

Ø                  Friends:  Vampire Coyote

Ø                  Friends:  Wanderer

Ø                  Friends:  Wrestling

Ø                  Finances:  Get Out of Debt dot ORG

Ø                  Finances:  Minnesota Department of Economic Security

Ø                  Forms:  Apology

Ø                  Games:  Atari 800 emulator

Ø                  Games:  see --“Bridge”

Ø                  Games:  Chess Master Network

Ø                  Games:  D Tucker

Ø                  Games:  Online Gaming Review

Ø                  Games:  Palm dot COM

Ø                  Games:  Pilotzone dot COM

Ø                  Games:  Sierra dot COM

Ø                  Government:  Attorney General Minnesota

Ø                  Government:  City of Minneapolis

Ø                  Government:  Metro Transit

Ø                  Government:  Metropolitan Council

Ø                  Government:  Minnesota Legislature

Ø                  Health:  Dream Doctor

Ø                  Health:  Healthgrades dot COM

Ø                  Health:  John O'Reilley's Minnesota Muscle (bodybuilding)

Ø                  Hobbies:  Aquariams -- The Minnesota Aquarium Society

Ø                  Hobbies:  Films -- Dvd forum dot COM

Ø                  Hobbies:  Films -- Filmsite dot ORG

Ø                  Hobbies:  Films -- Internet Movie Database

Ø                  Hobbies:  Films -- Josh dot COM

Ø                  Hobbies:  Films -- Star Wars

Ø                  Hobbies:  Knitting and recipes -- Karen Campbell's Knitting Patterns

Ø                  Hobbies:  Reading -- Vampire Cat

Ø                  Hobbies:  Skiing -- Adelsman's Cross Country Ski Page

Ø                  Hobbies:  Skiing -- Cross Country Skier magazine

Ø                  Hobbies:  Skiing -- Great Outdoor Recreation Page

Ø                  Hobbies:  Skiing -- Kuz's Favorite Cross Country Ski Trails

Ø                  Humor:  3 Love's Journey

Ø                  Humor:  Conk

Ø                  Humor:  Cowcar

Ø                  Humor:  Ebonics Translator

Ø                  Humor:  South Park Online

Ø                  Humor:  Todd Lehman

Ø                  Journals:  Ana Voog

Ø                  Journals:  Girl Wonder

Ø                  Legal:  Free info and Lawyer Jokes

Ø                  Linkfest:  Awaken

Ø                  Linkfest:  Geocities dot COM

Ø                  Linkfest:  Minnesota Portal

Ø                  Linkfest:  Minnesota Webpages

Ø                  Linkfest:  Miriam Ispahani

Ø                  Linkfest:  see -- Networking

Ø                  Maps:  Create a Map

Ø                  Maps:  Map Quest dot COM

Ø                  Maps:  Maps at Altavista

Ø                  Maps:  Online Map Resources

Ø                  Music:  Brave Combo

Ø                  Music:  Charlie Daniels Band

Ø                  Music:  Dread Zeppelin

Ø                  Music:  Frank Zappa (Black Page)

Ø                  Music:  Maggie Estep

Ø                  Music:  MIDI jukebox

Ø                  Music:  Midis from Rodrian

Ø                  Music:  Minnesota Blues

Ø                  Music:  Music Boulevard dot COM

Ø                  Music:  Music Planet

Ø                  Music:  J and R Music World

Ø                  Music:  Toadies

Ø                  Nature:  Butterfly World dot COM

Ø                  Nature:  Cook County, Illinois

Ø                  Nature:  Cornell University Backyard Birdcount

Ø                  Nature:  John Pukite's Cowguide

Ø                  Nature:  Insecta dot COM

Ø                  Nature:  Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

Ø                  Nature:  Owls

Ø                  Nature:  Purple Cow

Ø                  Nature:  Sandia Labs;  Dinosaur

Ø                  Nature:  Wolf

Ø                  News:  City Pages

Ø                  News:  Pioneer Press

Ø                  News:  Science News Releases

Ø                  News:  Southwest Journal, Minneapolis

Ø                  News:  Web Review Magazine

Ø                  News:  Weekly News

Ø                  Newsgroups:  Minnesota General news

Ø                  Newsgroups:  Jobs in Minnesota newsgroup

Ø                  Newsgroups:  Problem Solving newsgroup

Ø                  Organizations:  American Civil Liberties Union

Ø                  Organizations:  Awaken

Ø                  Organizations:  Charity Reports (Better Business Bureau)

Ø                  Organizations:  Charity Watch

Ø                  Organizations:  Checkbook

Ø                  Organizations:  Compost Information

Ø                  Organizations:  Eurekalert dot ORG

Ø                  Organizations:  Filmsite dot ORG

Ø                  Organizations:  Get Out of Debt dot ORG

Ø                  Organizations:  Give dot ORG

Ø                  Organizations:  Headwaters (one of these links should be right...)

Ø                  Organizations:  Headwaters Project

Ø                  Organizations:  Jane Goodall

Ø                  Organizations:  League of Conservation Voters

Ø                  Organizations:  Neighborhood Builders Association

Ø                  Organizations:  PBS - Public Broadcasting System

Ø                  Organizations:  Teamsters

Ø                  Organizations:  Wolf Center

Ø                  People:  see – Friends

Ø                  Poetry:  Cosma

Ø                  Poetry:  Cummings

Ø                  Poetry:  Cummings

Ø                  Poetry:  Cummings

Ø                  Poetry:  Fletcher

Ø                  Poetry:  MRM

Ø                  Poetry:  Stephen Crane Poem

Ø                  Radio:  KBEM Minneapolis

Ø                  Radio:  KUOM Minneapolis/St. Paul

Ø                  Radio:  Radio and Records Magazine

Ø                  Radio:  Radioweb

Ø                  Reference:  Learn2 dot COM

Ø                  Reference:  Webster Dictionary

Ø                  Religion:  Aetherius Society

Ø                  Religion:  Alien Bob's Command Post

Ø                  Religion:  Ali's World of the Infinitely Weird but True

Ø                  Religion:  Awaken Organization

Ø                  Religion:  Church of the Blind Chihuahua

Ø                  Religion:  Church of the Bunny

Ø                  Religion:  Church of Princess Diana & Diana Speaks

Ø                  Religion:  Cult Construction Kit

Ø                  Religion:  Do You Have a Sense of Humor?

Ø                  Religion:  First Church of Shatnerology

Ø                  Religion:  First Church of Total Relaxology

Ø                  Religion:  First Presleyterian Church

Ø                  Religion:  Gerbalist Preaching

Ø                  Religion:  Great God Contest

Ø                  Religion:  The Humanist Club

Ø                  Religion:  Intergalactic House of Fruitcakes

Ø                  Religion:  Mainstream – there are thousands, use a search engine

Ø                  Religion:  Mayhem

Ø                  Religion:  Neotech Zonpower

Ø                  Religion:  Our Lady of Roses - The Ball of Redemption

Ø                  Religion:  Parsontech

Ø                  Religion:  Rose and Lisa's Future Queens' of the World

Ø                  Religion:  Superchurch

Ø                  Religion:  Universal Life Church

Ø                  Religion:  Wyrd people

Ø                  Search:  Dogpile dot COM

Ø                  Search:  Homepage Finder

Ø                  Search:  Savvy Search

Ø                  Selling:  see “Shopping”

Ø                  Software:  Adobe Photo Deluxe

Ø                  Software:  also see “Tech”

Ø                  Software:  Call Wave

Ø                  Software:  DLL archive

Ø                  Software:  Download dot COM

Ø                  Software:  Lockergnome dot COM

Ø                  Software:  Microsoft Info

Ø                  Software:  Rose's Software Archive

Ø                  Software:  Tucows Desktop themes

Ø                  Software:  Voyetra music player

Ø                  Shopping:  BOYM dot COM

Ø                  Shopping:  Cal's Farm Toys

Ø                  Shopping:  see -- Clothing

Ø                  Shopping:  Comparison -- Call Cost

Ø                  Shopping:  Comparison -- Compare dot NET

Ø                  Shopping:  Comparison -- Checkbook dot ORG

Ø                  Shopping:  Complain dot COM

Ø                  Shopping:  Dennis Kirk

Ø                  Shopping:  Devar Fine Art Gallery Online

Ø                  Shopping:  Flowers -- Virtual Florist

Ø                  Shopping:  Gateway Computers

Ø                  Shopping:  Julie Pederson's Unofficial Mall of America

Ø                  Shopping:  Grainger Lighting dot COM

Ø                  Shopping:  Lonezone

Ø                  Shopping:  Netmarket

Ø                  Shopping:  Netplaza dot COM

Ø                  Shopping:  Netsetgoods dot COM

Ø                  Shopping:  Real Estate -- Century 21 dot COM

Ø                  Shopping:  Real Estate -- Geovista dot COM

Ø                  Shopping:  Real Estate -- Homes online

Ø                  Surfing:  see – Friends (to avoid confusion with the sport)

Ø                  Taxes:  Minnesota

Ø                  Tech:  Eric's Hot Page

Ø                  Tech:  Knowledge TV dot COM

Ø                  Tech:  Michael Finley

Ø                  Tech:  Microsoft dot COM

Ø                  Tech:  also see “Software”

Ø                  Tech:  Tips for Windows 95

Ø                  Tech:  Website design -- Ann-s-thesia's Studio of Web Design

Ø                  Tourism:  Chippewa Flowage

Ø                  Tourism:  Yellowstone

Ø                  Tourism:  Yellowstone (National Park Service)

Ø                  Tourism:  World's Largest Roadside Attractions

Ø                  Translation:  Altavista Babelfish

Ø                  TV:  KARE 11        

Ø                  TV:  PBS - Public Broadcasting System

Ø                  TV:  TV listings

Ø                  UFO's:  FAA's UFOcenter dot COM

Ø                  Uncategorized:  Tourist

Ø                  Uncategorized:  trasinet dotCOM

Ø                  Wedding:    Wedding Plan-it dot COM

Ø                  Wrestling:  ACW Australia

Ø                  Wrestling:  APW California

Ø                  Wrestling:  APWF Pennsylvania

Ø                  Wrestling:  AWA Indiana

Ø                  Wrestling:  ECCW

Ø                  Wrestling:  ECW Pennsylvania

Ø                  Wrestling:  Fantasy -- EWO

Ø                  Wrestling:  HCW Ohio

Ø                  Wrestling:  HoPWF

Ø                  Wrestling:  ICW Canada

Ø                  Wrestling:  ICW Michigan

Ø                  Wrestling:  IPW Pennsylvania

Ø                  Wrestling:  IWA Indiana

Ø                  Wrestling:  MCW Tennessee

Ø                  Wrestling:  Mid-American Wrestling

Ø                  Wrestling:  MRW Missouri

Ø                  Wrestling:  MWA Kentucky

Ø                  Wrestling:  MWF Maine

Ø                  Wrestling:  NCW Canada

Ø                  Wrestling:  NWA Indiana

Ø                  Wrestling:  PCW wrestling

Ø                  Wrestling:  Penn York ASPW

Ø                  Wrestling:  Reporter -- Bagpipe Report

Ø                  Wrestling:  Reporter -- Justin Dove (Extreme Fan)

Ø                  Wrestling:  Reporter -- Kilt Report Homepage

Ø                  Wrestling:  Reporter -- The Kilt Report (Outrage site)

Ø                  Wrestling:  Reporter -- Mike Samples

Ø                  Wrestling:  Reporter -- Superpsicosis

Ø                  Wrestling:  Reporter -- Wrestling Incorporated

Ø                  Wrestling:  Reporter -- Wrestling Reports

Ø                  Wrestling:  Reporter -- Wrestlinggod

Ø                  Wrestling:  RCW New Jersey

Ø                  Wrestling:  Sharky's School

Ø                  Wrestling:  Shooters

Ø                  Wrestling:  Star -- Blue Meanie

Ø                  Wrestling:  Star -- Dan Severn

Ø                  Wrestling:  Star -- Destruction

Ø                  Wrestling:  Star -- Dudley Boys 

Ø                  Wrestling:  Star -- Insane Clown Posse

Ø                  Wrestling:  Star -- Mr. Biggs

Ø                  Wrestling:  Star -- Super X

Ø                  Wrestling:  USWA Tennessee

Ø                  Wrestling:  WCW Atlanta

Ø                  Wrestling:  WCWO Indiana

Ø                  Wrestling:  Whoowrestling dot COM

Ø                  Wrestling:  WPW California

Ø                  Wrestling:  Wrestling

Ø                  Wrestling:  Wrestling Channel

Ø                  Wrestling:  Wrestling Pages

Ø                  Wrestling:  WWA Minnesota

Ø                  Wrestling:  WWF Worldwide Wrestling Federation