The Retropoet

His Jukebox Page

My Current Hot 5

I have a 5-disc CD player. These are my current selections. One favorite thing to do is to set the CD player on random, turn up the volume and surf the net. This is best done while no one is at home, because I like it loud. Another favorite thing to do is put music on background and then read a book. This drives both music lovers and book lovers crazy.

11:01 PM 4/11/99 Sunday
1) "Rupaul's Go-Go Box Classics", by various artists
2) "Teen Idols", by various artists [Time-Life]
3) "Exotica I & II", by Martin Denny
4) "Soul's Core", by Shawn Mullins
5) "Planet Squeezebox", disc 1(of 3), by various artists

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Music for My Ears Only / Retropoet / Geocities / / revised April, 1999