God never gives you any more than He thinks you can handle

There's nothing fancy on these next few pages. No flashing graphics, no colorful backgrounds, no amazing JavaScripts, nothing to "ooh" or "aahh" about.

What you will find on the following pages are short stories about individuals--some nameless, some with names--but all heroes in their own way.

Again, these are things that my friends e-mail to me. Where they come from before that, I don't know. I pass them on to other friends, and now I'm passing them on to you. Hopefully, you will pass them on to your friends, as well.

Some of these stories might make you laugh. Some might bring a tear (or two) to your eye. Some might make you say to yourself; "Oh, how wonderful," or "Maybe I should try that." Some of these stories might make you wish you had never turned to this page. Some might inspire you to gag...and some might make you realize that no matter what your problems are, things are not always as bad as they seem--if you approach those problems with the right attitude.

So go now, to the , and enjoy....


© 1999 Friday Funnies / fridayfunnies@geocities.com