Welcome to Hathor's Guestbook!

Darkmoon - 12/13/00 02:28:40
My URL:http://petz_twodot.homestead.com/
My Email:GerbilsInARow13@aol.com

I absoloutley LOVE the site - I`m going to link it to my Neo-Pagan page once I get the chance.

Pheonix - 12/12/00 17:19:59
My URL:http://www.katbattlez.com
My Email:Pheonix@KATBattlez.com

Hey, you've got a great site! If you want to promote it more, without paying money or having annoying banners, check out: www.katbattlez.com Yeah, I know, it looks like this is just an ad, but it's not-why? Because we only accept the BEST sites. I didn't look at all of your pages, but I looked at most of them, and they fit our rules. I think you'd be accepted, so just do me a favor, and check t out, k? ~*~Pheonix~*~ P.S. I love your animation on the homepage-very cute!

kitty - 12/11/00 21:24:05
My Email:sweetpop200@hotmail.com

Your sigt is really cool but their are no pictures of Hathor!

mandy - 12/04/00 16:18:08
My Email:mandyc3500@cs.com

Great site! It helped me out! Thanks!

sierra - 11/22/00 00:58:07
My URL:http://whats that
My Email:justinsgirl_34@hotmail.com

i doing a report on her

- 11/21/00 10:41:28


- 11/21/00 10:41:16


neerada suresh - 11/21/00 10:41:06
My Email:neeradas@hotmail.com

fascinating your site!!!

Arielle - 11/20/00 02:14:36
My Email:deathslinky@yahoo.com

I am looking for info on hathor. Can anyone help me? I need it ASAP. Thx. My icq is 92633239

Dave - 11/13/00 19:47:28
My Email:dave@bigfoot.com


Matt Landers - 11/06/00 19:22:27
My Email:I do not know

Blah Blah Blah Blah and Blahy

Matt Landers - 11/06/00 19:22:24
My Email:I do not know

Blah Blah Blah Blah and Blahy

diana - 11/02/00 18:45:01
My URL:http://www.siswaty.com
My Email:diana@siswaty.com

good site

PRISCILLE - 10/26/00 00:52:19
My Email:gpnoel@intnet.mu

Great site!!!

shelleh - 10/25/00 21:31:43
My Email:shelleh@ntlworld.com

Informative and interesting

connie - 10/19/00 22:05:29
My URL:http://www.titanicaxx.homepage.com
My Email:con@deepsea99.freeserve.co.uk

This site is marvellous u have worked very hard im impressed

Priestess Jywanza - 10/15/00 18:02:58
My URL:/Jywanza1/Goddess2000.html

Very much enjoyed the hard work you put into your Egyptian animated graphics very rare... Peace to You Priestess Jywanza

Priestess Jywanza - 10/15/00 18:02:23
My URL:/Jywanza1/Goddess2000.html

Very much enjoyed the hard work you put into your Egyptian animated graphics very rare... Peace to You Priestess Jywanza

Roz Rayner-Rix - 10/12/00 15:29:26
My URL:http://www.basthabda.co.uk
My Email:rozz@basthabda.co.uk

Very Nice animations.

- 10/11/00 22:32:30
My Email:gjoeman1999@aol.com

I really enjoyed this site.

Lee - 10/11/00 06:55:37
My URL:http://www.wizardstationery.com/
My Email:lee@wizardstationery.com

Hi there! Thanks a lot for the site, I can see you've put a lot of work into it - the animations are great! I thought you'd like to know that over the next few weeks, I intend to feature it in my weekly publication called 'The Wizard Stationery Newsletter.' It's a free e-zine offering links to the best sites on the web that offer: **e-mail Stationery **Aninated Gifs **Backgrounds and Wallpapers **Clipart **Midi and wav Files **Cool, interesting and Fun sites. If you'd like to subscribe to see when your site gets featured, send a blank e-mail to wizardstationery-subscribe@egroups.com or visit my site at http://www.wizardstationery.com Thanks again for the cool site - Lee

Zoe Wolf - 10/07/00 11:46:48
My Email:sparrow@localnet.com


Lydine - 10/04/00 02:35:41
My Email:Lydine@hotmail.com

I loved your site! Will add to my book marks so I can come back.. You do beautiful work...

Brad - 09/29/00 23:40:53
My URL:http://www.brad16.8k.com
My Email:trojans67@yahoo.com

Kewl site, check out mine ;) I have Pics!

Veronica - 09/24/00 14:10:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/apples420/veronicaspage.html
My Email:apples420@yahoo.com

Your site is very cool.

Robb - 09/19/00 00:21:20
My URL:http://thepurpletreatment.coloradok5.com
My Email:rreiber@core.com

You have a lot of really cool stuff on this site!

Ka-Ren - 09/15/00 10:55:03
My Email:neferka@prodigy.net

All I can say is, "ANKH IF YOU LOVE HATHOR'S REALM'!! Fabulous site for those like me who are Egyptmaniacs!! Well done, and I've seen nothing like this before! Tut Tut!!

jdj Amenhotep - 09/11/00 19:19:16
My URL:http://www.ancientsites.com/Amenhotep_jdj
My Email:Phyllzworld44@hotmail.com

Loved your gifs used one or two...they made the difference

thandazille - 08/07/00 13:02:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/
My Email:thandazille

i`m strictly a novice about designing my web site, e-mail etc. i can surf the net pretty good, that's how i saw you had skills. would you mind sharing some of it? please, you have my e-mail. thanks for putting it out there.

Merita Meritamen - 07/31/00 04:26:43
My URL:http://www.ancientsites.com/users/MERITAMEN_MERITA
My Email:merita.Meritamen@ancientsites.com

Very good. Although i used only one graphic, i will return for more soon.

Terry Tomlinson - 07/28/00 19:38:35
My Email:kalopoieo@aol.com

Greetings in the name of Ra! Always wanted to say that! I love your sight. I am editor of the 4th Street Revue, and alternative newspaper in Sioux City, Iowa. I will have to include your sight in an upcoming edition of "internet favorites." Your site is terrific. Terry

Anqet Ramesses - 07/28/00 02:29:07
My URL:http://www.ancientsites.com/~anqet_ramesses/index.html
My Email:anqet@mail.com

Just wanted to say I have "tooted your horn" all over AS and hope you continue for a long time. I have used your images at my per and the per I made for my friend. Your images are GREAT! Thanks for being here!

Sesh-doat Ka-men-en-Ante - 07/27/00 18:16:15
My URL:http://www.barrett.dircon.co.uk
My Email:barrett@dircon.co.uk

Many thanks for your excellent graphics. Check out their uses in my pages - ANANKASTES

- 07/15/00 20:40:31


Dawn Furey - 06/22/00 17:32:49
My Email:dawn.hogan@parexel.com

I just returned from Egypt and enjoyed your graphics! Thanks!

- 06/20/00 17:22:31


Ankhesenamun Nephthysnefert - 06/20/00 08:49:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/nephthysnefert/
My Email:ankhesenamon@hotmail.com

This is a wonderful site! Congradulations! It is evident how long this must have took, I have never seen anything like it. Quite extraordinary!

Rania Ghatas - 06/19/00 07:20:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/raniaghatas

This is a really nice site.

Paloma Monteiro - 06/17/00 03:23:46
My URL:http://www.blackplanet.com/paloma_2715
My Email:paloma_2715@blackplanet.com

Your site is FANTABULOUS!! I loved it.....

José Cecilio Cab Herrera - 06/17/00 01:21:40
My Email:jesus2000@finred.com.mx

Muchas gracias y felicidades....

Kelsey - 06/14/00 17:42:32
My Email:k3j@colton.com

Fabulous!! We love it!!

Ian Alex Blease - 06/09/00 15:36:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Housing/5049
My Email:I.A.Blease@durham.ac.uk

Hethert is my favourite Egyptian Goddess, esp in her giuse as the tree goddess, sustainer of Life and as the Lady of Turquoise. Hethert is really so important , she cannot be ignored, regards Alex

Barbara - 05/29/00 20:04:36
My Email:merenpepra@aol.com

Sent you an email before I saw this. Just wnated to tell you how great your page is> Love your animated graphics ideas! Bravo!

lisa Kovshoff - 05/24/00 22:11:15
My URL:www.about.com/knitwits
My Email:knitwits@uniserve.com


balticbard - 05/22/00 03:31:53
My Email:nightsong5@juno.com

your website is absolutely beautiful; thanks for making it for all of us to enjoy god bless you

Eve Iversen - 05/13/00 05:36:48
My Email:eveiversen@hotmail.com

I will be using your images as part of my web page of my Fulbright year in Egypt. I'll send you the URL as soon as it is assigned.

corrine broadhead - 05/12/00 16:04:33
My Email:tillie@usa.com

very good

Mark - 05/10/00 02:58:44
My Email:mark3348@yahoo.com

You have some really beautiful pics here. Great work.

kadriya - 05/07/00 01:30:35
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/misskadriya/index.htm
My Email:trinity@witchymail.zzn.com

Very nice nice I have always been fascinated with Egyptian culture. Blessed Be

Osiris2 - 04/26/00 13:11:48
My Email:osiris2b1@excite.com

Thanks for an enjoyable tour!Your animations are lovely!I helped myself to some!Thanks again!

Eve Iversen - 04/26/00 05:03:18
My Email:eveiversen@hotmail.com

I will be going on a Fulbright grant to Egypt in October and will set up a web page about it using some of your animations. I'll send the URL as soon as the site is set up. I love your work. Would you consider doing a Bastet and Sekmet animation? Thanks, Eve Iversen

Ankhesenamun - 04/25/00 23:13:46

I think your images are wonderful... keep up the excellent work!

Nilaja Amenhotep - 04/16/00 04:04:46
My Email:nilaja@Ancientsites.com

Em Hotep! Greetings friend! I am Nilaja, scribe of Egypt and neophyte in the Priesthood of PiRamesses. Your site is beautiful. I was led here because you have the same name as one of my lions. I am enjoying my stroll through your per and your studio :) Co e by and chat with me sometime. I can use some of your expertise in decorating my new home. Until then..."Peace" Nilaja!!

Tere - 03/27/00 19:30:35
My URL:http://clik.to/Taj
My Email:theancientegyptianmummyhotmail.com

Thanxs for a wonderful collection of GIF's. Sincerely, Tere

Jan - 03/11/00 08:01:35
My Email:DjanetAmun@aol.com

Exvellent graphics and design work. It's obvious that a lot of thought and effort has gone into your site. PS. The spelling of 'Aten' (comment on the 28/12/99)is fine with me. Ancient Egyptian writing contained no vowels and that is why so many words are spelt differently, depending upon which vowel the author prefers. Personally I prefer 'Aten'.

Terry Halbert - 03/01/00 01:37:49
My Email:terryhalbert@lineone.net

Great site, love the animations, but some of the Temple ones are photos of buildings at Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California. Did you need permission to use them in this way. If not, should you?. Terry Halbert. Rosicrucian member!!

Dawn McGrane - 02/29/00 21:00:39
My Email:dawnmcgrane@yahoo.com

Great Site!!

A.B.Richards - 02/23/00 20:45:31
My Email:abrich@texas.net


Idonot Wanttogiveit - 02/05/00 21:52:44
My Email:aks_83@hotmail.com

Thank you for maintaining this page. You have saved me from utter doom in my world history class. I appreciate it. Nice site. Thanks again.

- 01/28/00 03:36:07

I really liked looking at the pictures.

Meryt Sithathor - 01/20/00 05:51:48
My Email:Molly23@columbus.rr.com


Tiger Ramesses - 01/15/00 14:26:20
My URL:http://ancientsites.com/user/Ramesses_Tiger
My Email:tiger@seasurf.net

I am having sooooo much trouble puting up my own pages that without yours I would never have a page and I need one to get people coming to Itj_Tawy, it is lonely being the only one there. How is Tannis and how are your wedding plans coming along. I wish you as much love and luck as we have.

Lara - 01/07/00 20:10:31

Super Wow! site!

www.rahotep.co.uk - 12/28/99 00:49:39
My Email:Johnni@freenetname.co.uk

nice little site. my congratulations. please correct your spelling however. aton ... not aten, a common misconception.

Katreena - 12/19/99 14:39:57
My URL:http://usagiyojimbo.com/princeofegypt
My Email:aep@pacific.net.ph

I have one more thing to say: the animations were so real, I felt as if I were really in ancient Egypt! No words can describe how I felt. It was like..."Wow, I'm in a whole new universe!" I LOVE EGYPT!

Katrina - 12/19/99 14:17:20
My URL:http://usagiyojimbo.com/princeofegypt
My Email:aep@pacific.net.ph

This is such a cool page! Lotsa beautiful animations and even greeting cards. It's great... it's really extraordinary! I hope to see more here soon. You did a magnificent job. Very beautiful page!!!! Must have been hard work but gee, it DID pay off. Look t how beautiful the result is! Congratulations for a job well done.

Jairus - 12/02/99 00:15:25


Jairus - 12/02/99 00:15:05


taiga - 11/15/99 06:59:52
My URL:http://unicorns.iwarp.com
My Email:shamyra@netzero.net

Your site is so lovely!I always have the best time looking around! Me and my husband collect egyptian art esp. things on Anubis

Nofret - 11/14/99 20:09:27
My URL:http://www.ancientsites.com/users_siamen_nofret
My Email:nofret.siamen@ancientsites.com

I really like you site! Thanks for the animations :)

anubis - 11/05/99 16:34:07
My Email:anubis@necropolis.faithweb.com

great site - thanx for the animations

terminater - 11/01/99 13:17:28

A brillant bit of animation"

Betinas Mutemwiya - 10/26/99 17:00:07
My URL:http://www.ancientsites.com/users/MUTEMWIYA_BETINAS
My Email:helenacan@yahoo.com

I'd like to thank you providing all these great animated graphics with an Egyptian theme. I have installed one on each page of my home on Ancient Sites and I really love them. If you have an opportunity, please check out my pages and let me know what you think. Thanks again.

Katreena - 10/21/99 09:59:52
My URL:http://usagiyojimbo.com/princeofegypt

Nice webpage!!! I especially love the greeting cards. And these animations are so cool; to even just look at. They're really interesting and very well-designed. I really like this egyptian stuff. Great job!

Kim - 10/20/99 13:43:05
My Email:kimlizzy@bigpond.com

I enjoyed this site very much especially the e-cards. I only hope someone will send one to me.

Michael - 10/18/99 22:00:38
My URL:http://Community.Webtv.Net/Aten22/doc/
My Email:Aten@Webtv.Net

I Like your Egyptian site very much!The animations are very good!I enjoyed this site very much and plan to return to it again.

Ana - 10/11/99 07:57:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Capsule/4838/
My Email:i_love_green@hotmail.com

You have some great stuff here!!! Kewl...so keep it up!!!

Aphrodite - 10/03/99 14:04:50
My URL:http://Unknown
My Email:Aphrodite@carrie.net

Love your site dude . Really it's way coool. Not Ilike your graphics but not much else,

nile_queen - 09/26/99 12:26:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Orion/1336
My Email:ccalleja@hotmail.com

cool......... egypt forever....

Cathy - 09/17/99 18:46:59
My Email:rabbitbunny50@hotmail.com

Very Nice!

Wolfwriter - 09/12/99 21:41:43
My Email:Wolfwriter@home.com

I loved the art work. Very well done.

Nereftari Hatshepsut - 08/22/99 00:41:28
My URL:http://ancientsites.com/users/HATSHEPSUT_NEREFTARI

Great site!!! I'm planning to use some of the images for my site,the Url is above.Hello members of AS!

Jennifer Hypatia - 07/06/99 19:10:04
My Email:m.christensen5@gte.net

Blessed Be to the Ancients and us all.

nabil masri - 06/11/99 16:06:00
My Email:nmasri@idsc1.gov.eg

lovely work

Wm. Gasoi - 06/05/99 00:35:00
My Email:gasko@sprint.ca


Zekelaw - 05/28/99 00:04:01
My Email:Zekelaw@aol.com

Great Site! Thank you for your generosity in making the items available for neophites like me. I will put my site together at AncientSites and then invite you to visit so you can gaze at what your pupil has done! Uroborus

Jake Morgan - 05/15/99 21:19:26
My Email:KaneKid92@hotmail.com

I worship Hathor. At night I hold her statue and she wispers to me. She tells me- "Go to Thebes- find my golden staff." She repeats this over and over untill I dose off. Where is Thebes and what does Hathor have to do with it?

- 05/03/99 23:05:41

it was great hathor was the best one

Mystee - 05/03/99 21:05:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Andes/5425/
My Email:mystee_trees@yahoo.com

EXCELLENT graphics!!!!

Sandee - 05/03/99 21:02:59
My URL:http://marina.fortunecity.com/seaview/358/
My Email:sandee_beach@yahoo.com

Love your graphics!!! Would look good with my Buddha!!!

Nefertiti - 04/21/99 04:43:03
My URL:http://www.ancientsites.com/users/Hatshepsut_Nefertiti23
My Email:nefertiti23@iname.com

Great site! Your animations are fantastic. Only thing you can add to it now, it a graphic of Nefertiti! :)

Tanya - 04/16/99 10:19:59
My Email:info@binet.lv


Beketaten - 03/23/99 20:54:45
My URL:/SoHo/Village/1935/index.html
My Email:Netjert@hotmail.com

Em Hotep and Hello Hathor, I just want to comment on your graphics, I think that there are great, I would like for you to see my background sets, at my site which are hand made by me. Hope to hear from you, good day.

mario warnaar - 03/20/99 10:59:42
My URL:http://www.gironet.nl/home/warnaar/
My Email:mwarnaar@gironet.nl

Very good-looking collection, love it.

sean - 03/16/99 21:28:56
My Email:www.crapman56x@yahoo.com

I love everyone

Paula - 03/06/99 02:16:11
My URL:http://www.Ancientsites.com/users/Meritamen_Sinohue
My Email:paula_guerra@zipmail.com.br

Great site! I've borrowed some animations to decorate my home site at Ancient Sites comunity Thank you.

Dexi Archer - 02/28/99 03:34:31
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/ArenaBlvd/the_tomb_raider/
My Email:dexiarcher@hotmail.com

Cool home page.

cris espana - 02/18/99 12:49:17
My URL:http://www.ansientsites.com/~melanthe_theocritos
My Email:virgomuse@yahoo.com

Oh, everything is beautifull, I wish I knew how to copy & paste or whatever is the proper wording, I don't know much about this stuff. I don't even know if the url I wrote above is right. Don't even know what a url is.

Duat Ramesses - 02/06/99 21:47:23
My URL:http://www.ancientsites.com/users=Ramesses_Duat

great page Hathor. Some of the best Egyptian animations on the web. Love you AncientSites page too. ankh udja seneb

Sue Boucher - 01/08/99 00:39:48
My Email:sboucher@netnet.net

Excellent sight, I look forward to viewing the entire collection. So far I've only skimmed through the Egyptian animations.

candie Russell - 01/05/99 20:07:45
My Email:candie.Russell@gte.net

Please send me any free material for my class. Thank You.

Senenmut - 01/05/99 11:17:03
My URL:http://www.AncientSites.com/users/Hatshepsut_Senenmut
My Email:kiya@xtra.com.nz

Hi, I enjoyed your site very much. Thank you.

Juliani Siamen - 01/03/99 00:06:51

I love your homesite and your webpage. The animation and images are wonderful.

Edra Ramesses - 12/30/98 06:05:29
My Email:bast15508@aol.com

Your animations are so beautiful. I can't wait to use some of them in my AS site. Thanks.

Antara of the Nile - 12/14/98 01:25:45

Totally awesome page! most helpfull for my archealogy studies! thanks, Antara :-)

Minea Hatshepsut - 12/11/98 16:26:47
My Email:kati_sik@hotmail.com

Her's some great pics!! I recommend...!

Tuya Amenhotep - 11/19/98 07:38:30
My Email:makuta@gci.net

Awsome site you have. I can tell a lot of work has gone into some of the home pages. I have just joined as a Egyptian citizen. This looks like it is going to be a fun learning experience.

Gordnus Siamen - 11/15/98 09:40:24

em hotep A short visit to a really beautiful site. You have aroused the green monster in me. Once again thank you for the pleasure of viewing yours.

NeferBetita Meritamen - 11/07/98 19:52:01
My Email:mermaid@uol.com.br

it is terrific, sometime to be * envied* I wish I knew how to do such marvelous animations. Greetings,NeferB.

Mermaid - 10/29/98 07:31:43

Great, terrific, fabulous- words are not enough to express what I felt browsing thru your realm. I wish I could do 0,001 o/o of what you have done. I will be returing as soon as my sister nefer Meritamen is "ressurected in Egypt"- after the upgrading of AS she has been unable to login. She is delighted with what she saw and would like to improve her home with some animations. Em hotep, says she. Regards and greetings from Machu Picchu-IntiRa Huascar

Lina Sithathor - 10/29/98 07:28:11

Hello Hathor Ramesses, I love your egyptian graphics, there the best I have ever seen. I have a web page too, I go by the name Lena Sithathor, can I ask you a question, how to you add extra pages to your home page, I have another homesite with geocities and I want the other people to see it too when they come to my site here. Thanks for your time,

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