You say you shed tears for hurting me , The hurt you did not intend..... Tears for the "me" you believe me to be Yet not one... is shed for ME , in the end..... Yours tears are for the "me" that lives in your mind Created by your confinement , your design..... You transcended that confinement....that confined us both Betrayed the real "me" but cry for the one of your design..... Perhaps you never knew "me"..... Perhaps you will never know yourself..... And it will be only "me" who'll ever know you..... You tell me you're so sorry And you never wanted to hurt me..... But that sorrow pierces my heart It was never mean't for me..... But for the man you thought me to be..... You say the flowers you gave me don't matter The ones that had comforted me the day before , After saying they came from your heart..... One day later....a different world ...so be it For it must be so.
page 1 - Aquarius page 2 - Bleeding Hearts page 3 - This Day page 4 - Winds Of Joys page 5 - My Son...The Dead One page 6 - Better Each Day page 7 - On a nearby Hill page 8 - Drowning page 9 - Love's First Branches page 10 - The Bird Of Lovepage 12 - The Purest Heart page 13 - I Asked Too Much page 14 - When I'm Home