"...observe the Oneness of the Spirit in the uniting bond of peace.One body there is, and One Spirit, even as you were called in the One hope to which you were called; One Lord, One faith, One baptism, One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and IN all." Ephesians 4:3-6 NWT |
"If, then there is any encouragement IN Christ, if any consolation of LOVE, if any sharing of SPIRIT, if any tender affections and compassions, make my joy full in that you are of the same MIND and have the same LOVE, being joined together in SOUL, holding the ONE thought IN MIND..."Philipians 2:1-2 NWT |
Sabbath is a day set aside for joy. Twenty four hours without tv, work, errands, pressures, sufferings, business, shopping, duties, and aggravations. It is something all humans need especially in this busy era. I keep Sabbath because it is my pleasure to do so. Even if it were not a commandment of God it would still be a pleasure to have that time set aside just for meditation and family. Some may think that Sabbath is a burden restricting them from many other things they would prefer to do. But in reality Sabbath becomes the best day of the week. Saved for everything special from baking a cake to writing letters to friends. It is about focusing on your Spirit. Taking the time to appreciate what you have instead of running about trying to attain what you have not. These links are of people who believe in the Sabbath as a holy day that should be kept. But they are people just like you and me who want to be aligned with the will of Spirit. To be in the flow of Spirit you must examine the universe and it's natural timing schedule. Did you know that a person having a major operation at the beginning of the week(Monday thru Thursday) is more likely to survive than one who has an operation at the end of the week(Friday thru Sunday)? This is because the body slows down at the end of the seven day cycle. This is also true in animals and even insects. Also there in no seven day cycle in space. No planets move. There is only lunar(monthly) and solar(yearly) cycles. The seven day week has no other documented historical basis except in the first chapter of the Bible. Nature on a universal scale comes to rest on Sabbath. For twenty four hours.Sunset Friday to Sunset Saturday. |