{home} {poetree} {Science of grace}
{the Kind Yoke}
{untitled1} {untitled2}
{untitled4} {Each his own reward}
~Wine Stellar~

Deep in my soul grows a vine
Rooted in love's lost time
An endless hopeful bind
That holds my heart in gentle entwine

Faithful in it's paitent length
Subtle in it's almighty strength
Silently waiting a tame panther
Latent in virtue's anther

Finer than any rare red coral
The magnifigance, a crown of laurel
Decadant in simplicity
Endowed by nativity

Bolder than a freshly chosen Cassanova
Appointed by Jehovah
The eternal promise found
The labrynth unwound

My gates wide and gaping
Into the Eden of God's shaping
Sown by his divine hand
More rooted than seed of man

Stars, I toast in delight
bade goodbye to the night
I soar into freedom's sun
Where this love has not begun

Trusting in the unseen
That secret place of hidden serene
garden above, that embracing home
In the glistening navy dome

A realm of rainbow's ends
Of beauty's closest friends
Unfolding in delicate petals
More fine than precious metals

Trueness bound by divine integrity
Hovering above a celestial sea
Turquoise as harvested gems
Ringed in amethyst diadems

An eagle's bejewled nest
safe from hunter's test
Traveling at light speed
Where all of Jah's seraphs are freed.


all rights owned by author