Kewl Stuff!

This is where I have safely tucked away all my fanfic on the web.

My FK Fanfic:

Vampire Story(A FK/Toy Story Crossover)-I was insired to write this after watch "Toy Story" for the umpteenth time with my kids, and I relized that Rex complaned about as much as Nick. The end result was cute, lighthearted, and sweet.

My Vampire(An FK filk)-A little something I made up to sing around the house :)

Boogy Fever at the Raven(A War 7 Post)-Combine 24 hours of no sleep, David Letterman, and a little VH1, and you end up with this "dream" sequence from War 7.

Nick's in the Shower: Part 1: Part 2 -The title was inspired by a comment on the AOL chat boards about "Last Knight", and the fans hoping it wasn't a "Bobby's in the shower" senario. After I laughted about the title, I thought, what if this was a dream, but one with signifigance and meaning. This is what grew out of that single, humorous comment.

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