today. what an evolution. morning. gray cold clouds and wind. afternoon. blue bright sky fluffy white clouds. still wind. that is how it is around here. the windy city part 2.

am so happy i get to go on the trip to the navajo reservation. i know one other person that is going. dont know him very well though. some of the other people seem interesting. a majority of them know each other already so that kind of stinks. camping out the entire two weeks. arizona! will be absolutely incredible. have a meeting next monday night with the group again. hopefully more interaction.

so what am i going to do for the rest of this beautiful day? it is 3:15. my boyfriend (of 400003932 years - well 5 anyway) is on his way to see me. a twenty minute drive. i should hurry with this as im not enlightening anyone to its existance as of yet. we might go play frisbee golf. or go for a walk. go sit a the coffee shop. buy my book for the trip possibly.

i guess that is all for now! adios.
