what a long day today. up at 6, class from 8:30-3:30, work until 5:30 (which is now). do i have time to work out before my 7:30 meeting? hmmm. i would probably rather take a nap. ooh! i gotta take that video back.

i got an email today from a gal named abi who asked me to put her link on here. i hope she will return the favor! so here it is: 'Flabby Abi's PHAT Webpage'. It is pretty cool, under construction at the moment, but arent they all. if anyone who is reading this would like to create a link to my site please do!

i'm a bit over the cholesterol thing i was freaking out about yesterday. that got erased though. my cholesterol is high 208 when its supposed to be under 180. and i dont eat meat and im 120 pounds and 5 foot 8. very frustrating, but today i talked to my prof in my nutrition assessment class (oh yeah- i'm a double major: dietetics and psychology) and she said that family history and/or birth control pills may raise cholesterol. she said not to worry. yay!

i wonder if anyone i know has found this site. highly unlikely i suppose. but it would be so obvious to figure out who i am, if you know me that is. if you think you know me, drop me a line. my address is on the home page. and really, if there is anyone out there that wants to comment on my page feel free!

question of the day: think i should "spruce up" my page? pictures, graphics, or textured background? i am debating it, but i think i like it this way. simple
