what a big week this is going to be. friday i have a presentation. and work is going to be hectic. plus i want to study a lot for chemistry. flunking that last exam was not a good thing.

had a meeting about the navajo trip tonight. the one kid i know is going to get to go. he is excited. i think everyone is really excited. i am. they moved the meetings to 9pm though. that is kinda late. i wish it were earlier.

after the meeting i went up to the coffee joint and studied organic chemistry for an hour. i just keep wishing i didnt have to take that damn course. and it will be even more fun when i have to take biochemistry this summer. argh. but that will be the last chem course i have to take. then again. if i take just one more after that i will have a chemistry minor. hmm. we will see.
