

As of May 30th, 2003 I will have graduated from Wellesley College. I majored in philosophy and minored in computer science.

I have taken:
ME/R 246: Monsters, Villians and Wives
Music 275: Computer Music
Music 216: Musics of China, Korea,& Japan
Music 111: Tuning the Ear, Mind & Body
Geology 102: The Dynamic Earth
Computer Science 350: Individual Study
Computer Science 349: Computer Security
Computer Science 341: Operating Systems
Computer Science 240: Introduction to Machine Organization
Computer Science 231: Fundamental Algorithms
Computer Science 230: Data Structures
Computer Science 111: Computer Programming & Problem Solving
Philosophy 326: Philosophy of Law
Philosophy 323: Continental Philosophy
Philosophy 232: Vedanta Ethics and Epistemology
Philosophy 224: Existentialism
Philosophy 213: Social & Political Philosophy
Philosophy 221: History of Modern Philosophy
Philosophy 211: Philosophy of Religion
Philosophy 203: Philosophy of Art
Philosophy 201: Ancient Greek Philosophy
Philosophy 106: Introduction to Moral Philosophy
Political Science 221: World Politics
Political-Science 200: American Politics
Politcal Science 100: Introduction to Political Science
Spanish 273: Latin American Civilizations
Spanish 241: Oral & Written Communication
Writing 125/English 120: Critical Interpretation
Psychology 101: Introduction to Psychology
Religion 207: Goddesses, Queens & Witches