With the recent release of a study by the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, our collective "War on Drugs" has taken another turn. This one in the direction of science.

"Just Say No" by Mike Pope

But who’s science?

According to an Associated Press report, the journal found that one group of Ecstacy-taking subjects performed lower than a group of non-Ecstacy-taking subjects. This proves what? I’m no scientist, but shouldn’t subject groups be measured against themselves to find the result of a drug? The only thing this study seems to prove is that a powerful pharmaceutical company didn’t underwrite the study.

The truth is that the "War on Drugs" is a war against the people of the United States. It is a war against the right of an individual to act in his or her own interest (you know -- that right that’s "endowed by our Creator") It is a war that will waste valuable resources. It is a war that will target racial minorities under the aegis of addressing a "public health crisis."

Our public health crisis has nothing to do with drugs. Rather, the ailment we seem to be collectively suffering is a mental health problem. Consider the cognitive dissonance created by allowing major pharmaceutical companies to peddle Ritalin to children under 6, but invading the privacy of people’s homes in search of "contraband." Consider the logical gymnastics one has to accomplish to defend the use of Viagra but arrest people with Ecstacy.

Of course, the real irony behind all of this is that while the "War on Drugs" has been prosecuted since the 1980s, pharmaceutical corporations have simultaneously grown in power and status. Phizer now takes out full-page magazine adds for prescription medicine. That didn’t happen before Nancy Reagan told us to accept her values — or else!

What do these events say about our society? Throughout the course of history, a low attention span has been something to overcome. Now, suddenly, it has become a "disease" that must be "medicated." While sanctimonious politicians like Ronald Reagan were forcing their morality on others, pharmaceutical corporations were brainwashing the public into thinking that almost every facet of human existence can (and should) be medicated. Of course, pharmaceutical corporations make great campaign contributors, so it would be wise not to bother them too much. Hell, if you can’t beat ‘em, do like Bob Dole and accept a paycheck from ‘em.

But make sure to let the children know that doing drugs is wrong — except if they have a low attention span, feel depressed, seem aloof or need more self-esteem.

The War on Drugs will be lost. Eventually, all drugs will be legalized and the "War on Drugs" will be a dark stain on the fabric of American freedom similar to the Mexican War or the Army McCarthy hearings.

But at what cost?

subvatican poll
Do you think the War on Drugs ...

is a waste of time and money
is a moral imperative
hasn't been approached holistically
is merely a relic of the 20th century
should be an all out war






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