Welcome to my Guestbook!

Lisa Barco - 02/02/00 20:34:21
My Email:barcoalex@hotmail.com
global location: USA


Brenda - 01/30/00 05:03:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok3/mamapigletsplace
My Email:juice144@hotmail.com

i like thsis site great pics,

GIUSEPPE CELI - 12/11/99 21:01:01
My URL:http://celi.cjb.net
My Email:celi@celi.cjb.net
global location: Italia

Sito molto interessante e di eccellente qualità. Complimenti vivissimi !!!

Danny Hennesy - 10/23/99 17:00:07
My URL:http://zap.to/painbrain
My Email:raving_madness@hotmail.com
favorite art medium: paintings and photos
global location: sweden,denmark,homeland

If you should ever visit my page look under danny-art... there are some of my paintigs...

jonny brown - 10/06/99 21:11:57
My URL:http://www.modernmosaics.com
My Email:broken@modernmosaics.com
favorite art medium: mosaics
global location: tx

hey dude check out my site...:) i be a mosaics artist hehe:) hopfully we'll catch up to each other some time.

Francine Mullen - 09/30/99 13:30:32
My URL:http://mullenf@ape-usa.com
favorite art medium: anything
global location: Tulsa, OK

Just couldn't resist getting a word in. Talk at ya later in the real world... Franny

MoZaic - 07/05/99 13:51:15
My URL:http://www.rockcritters.com
My Email:rockcritters@yahoo.com
favorite art medium: all canvases & mediums
global location: Oklahoma

Don't know how much longer this page will be up. Since Yahoo & geocities have merged I am only able to access my main page. I can only view this one now...can not update at all. Thanks to all of the artists who have contributed to the success of this g llery. I have made a lot of good friends all over the world and have enjoyed displaying their art for them.

Maria - 05/04/99 08:14:47
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Boretti
My Email:boretti@pn.itnet.it
favorite art medium: Oil paintings and watercolors
global location: Italy

I like this site and I appreciated some artists of yours.It's also very interesting the idea of your artist of the month. Regards. Maria

Brian J Smolen - 04/24/99 14:09:16
My Email:sidlo11@hotmail.com
favorite art medium: colored penciels
global location: johnstown PA


Sharon Orf - 03/09/99 22:45:29
My URL:http://www.sharchakra@aol.com
My Email:Sharchakra@aol.com
global location: St. Louis


Sharon Orf - 03/09/99 22:45:27
My URL:http://www.sharchakra@aol.com
My Email:Sharchakra@aol.com
global location: St. Louis


Jean J. Byrne - 03/07/99 19:15:03
My Email:oakridge52@yahoo.com
favorite art medium: natural resources-gourds, rocks, etc.
global location: South Alabama

This artwork is truly outstanding - The sheer energy of the art is profound. This has to be the epitome of some of the best art shown. Thanks!JJB

Jean J. Byrne - 03/07/99 18:59:35
My Email:oakridge52@yahoo.com
favorite art medium: natural resources-gourds, rocks, etc.
global location: South Alabama

If I lose this spot before I see the pictures, be aware that it's because I haven't yet learned to get back to some places. I stay lost and a lot of letters, etc are somewhere in this computer. I'm going now to see if I can find your pictures. JJB

Bj. de Castro - 02/11/99 19:10:04
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/BjdeCastro
My Email:Breenda@email.msn.com
favorite art medium: watercolor

I love your website. I especially like the idea of your artist of the month. And, I like the way you have done your links page. I, too, have an Artist's Links page, which I invite you to check out. You will find a couple names familiar, hee-hee.

Ken Twist - 02/10/99 06:26:12
My Email:ken@twist.freeserve.co.uk
favorite art medium: Oil
global location: Wales UK

Delighted with the site.

- 02/01/99 21:51:31


- 02/01/99 21:51:20


K Robles - 01/27/99 06:11:47
My URL:http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/hmschool
My Email:hmschool@m7.sprynet.com
favorite art medium: depends on what is being portrayed
global location: Sierra Vista, AZ

You really do some beautiful work!

Lucian MILLIS - 01/16/99 11:38:50
My URL:http://i.am/lucmil/
My Email:lmillis@netvision.net.il
favorite art medium: PC
global location: ISRAEL

Congratulations!Wonderful site!Keep your efforts going. Many do appreciate it.-=L=-

Lucian's Web Graphics [5830 bytes]

Lucian MILLIS - 01/16/99 11:33:52
My URL:http://i.am/lucmil/
My Email:lmillis@netvision.net.il
favorite art medium: PC
global location: ISRAEL

Congratulations!Wonderful site!Keep your efforts going. Many do appreciate it.-=L=-

Lucian's Web Graphics [5830 bytes]

Frank LaRoche - 01/16/99 05:53:19
My Email:frankfor@aol.com

Bravo, I am so impressed with the participants works, and the simplicity of your site. Good work........ Frank

sniKKerZ - 01/08/99 01:54:35
My URL:http://na
My Email:na
global location: USA

Ilove abstract art.I think you need some abstract art in your exhibit

- 12/22/98 20:05:53


Marianne Mölgård - 12/20/98 19:47:48
My URL:http://konsten.just.nu
My Email:marianne.molgard@usa.net
favorite art medium: acrylic, watercolor and drawings
global location: Sweden

HI Just visted your web site. I is really beautiful work on your site. Have a nice day and Welcome to Sweden Mariannne

Swedish Artist Marianne Mölgård.

Katie Brandt - 12/18/98 01:42:47
My Email:lkbrandt@winet
favorite art medium: mozaic art
global location: racine, wi


rachel - 12/16/98 01:13:19
My Email:rachelmp@hotmail.com
favorite art medium: prose

i think this web site is a great idea. bravo to you for creating this forum for all artists!

Thom Keach - 11/30/98 01:49:24
My URL:http://iilg.org
My Email:thombar@a-omega.net
favorite art medium: Leather
global location: Texas - USA

Hi Carlos: I have just visted your web site. Really beautiful work that you have there. You should consider joining our internet leather guild as we are the largest guild in the world and international in scope. Unfortunately we don't have any members from Mexico as of yet. You can display your work on our web site as a member. Again, really great, interesting work you have.

- 11/25/98 01:46:55


Cheong Thye-Ming - 11/02/98 07:23:42
My URL:/SoHo/Gallery/9679
My Email:ahsoo@tm.net.my
favorite art medium: Watercolor, Chinese painting
global location: Malaysia

I'm so mesmerized with your work and all you have done online to share. Keep up the great work!!

Watercolor! Chinese Painting, lessons of "Learning Chinese Painting Step By Step"

Children's art age 4-11, art works of secondary school students.....

Cheong Thye-Ming - 11/02/98 07:09:29
My Email:ahsoo@tm.net.my
favorite art medium: Watercolor, Chinese painting
global location: Malaysia

I'm so mesmerized with your work and all you have done online to share. Keep up the great work!!

Watercolor! Chinese Painting, lessons of "Learning Chinese Painting Step By Step"

Children's art age 4-11, art works of secondary school students.....

Cheong Thye-Ming - 11/02/98 07:02:43
My Email:ahsoo@tm.net.my
favorite art medium: Watercolor, Chinese painting
global location: Malaysia

I'm so mesmerized with your work and all you have done online to share. Keep up the great work!!

Watercolor! Chinese Painting, lessons of "Learning Chinese Painting Step By Step"

one who sees - 10/17/98 23:36:17
My Email:
favorite art medium: oil
global location: usa massachusetts

~the pages here just get better and better...many thanks from this one for the time and effort mo..am sure...all of us feel this way..hats off to ya!~

les bomford - 10/17/98 12:29:44
My Email:bomoarts@bigpond.com.au
favorite art medium: painting
global location: australia

as an artist Ilike the ideas, concepts, for viewing in the modern medium,I do printmaking,painting, all mediums, yes I like the idea les bomford.

Carlos of Mexico - 10/15/98 21:03:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Styx/2106/
My Email:apache511@yahoo.com
favorite art medium: Leather
global location: The Yucatán of México

I have visited Mozaic's Art Gallery many times. All of the presentations are great. What you don't see is the effort it took to open Mozaic's Art Gallery so that the Internet Travellers can view the work of various artist. This effort given without thought of monetary reward. That's the best presentation. Unfortunately you can't click on i .

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