Moulin Rouge Program

My trip to France!

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I took a class trip to France in the Spring of '75.


The grounds and fountain in the courtyard of the Palace of Fontainbleau.
Inside was a bust of the goddess Diana and she had nine breasts!


The Palace of Versailles and the statue of Louis XVI.
The gates were gold! Totally amazing!

The Arc de Triumph

The Arc de Triumph was huge and awe-inspiring.

The Paris Skyline

The Paris skyline from the top of Mont-Martre.
I took three photos and taped them together. A spectacular view!

The Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower from the bus.
We got to go up in it at night. What an amazing view!

Notre Dame

Pictures of Notre Dame and the gargoyles (used as rain gutters).
We visited the cathedral on Easter Monday and it was lit with candles.
It was a beautifully spiritual place!

The Palace of Monaco

The Palace of Monaco in Monte Carlo.
I didn't see Princess Grace but the view of the Mediterranean was incredible!

Picture at the top of the page is the cover of the program from the Moulin Rouge.
Eventhough I was only 16, we got in and saw naked women dance
and we drank champagne! What a night!

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