Quick Skinny on the flick- AOD picks up where Evil Dead 2 left off. Only with a small change. His name is Ash, and he's a slave. The year's 1300 ad and Ash is being held captive by a local king(Aurther). Ash is put through a test, and proves that he is the chosen one by escaping the pit. The wiseman tells Ash that the only way to send him back to his time is throught the use of an un-holy book, The Necrinomicon. Ash agrees to quest for the book(reluctantly). But when he removes the book from it's resting place he speaks the magic words wrong and unleashes the army of darkness. Ash helps the primatives overcome the deadite army with the use of kung-fu, gun powder, and the Deathcoaster(his suped up car).

ThE ScRipT



ThE OrigoNaL EnDinG - WaTcH iT! in ReaL TimE

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