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Disaster Preparation Checklists

Southern Hemisphere







1.  Index and Introduction
2. Water
3. Checklist Notes
4. Household Essentials

Cooking Equipment

6. Food & Beverages: Short List
7. Special Needs
8. First Aid
9. Hygiene



Download "checklists.doc" in Word 7: Disaster Preparation Checklist

Download "storeslist.doc" in Word 7: Food Shopping Checklist

The food shopping checklist is a shopping list for anytime.

The Word 7 "storeslist.doc" and "checklists.doc" download documents are in similar format to the "Disaster Preparation Checklist" webpages, except the items are listed in a single column. They will download within seconds onto your desktop screen as a Word document.

The following information is a guide only and I hope you find it useful. I have taken every precaution to ensure my facts are correct, but no responsibility can be taken.





All graphics and writings on this homepage are copyright of Anne Keller, 1999.  The material on "Disaster Preparation Checklists" pages may be reproduced by non-profit organisations and individuals for their personal use.  All inquiries on this homepage to:  Anne Keller