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The music you are listening to is: Canon in D written by Johann Pachelbel (Ger. 1653-1706)

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my pic.jpgAvolio Salvatore was born in Naples (Italy) in 1970 and he is a chemist. He begun to take photos in 1992 working preferentially in B/W that he prefers to develop personally. His equipment is composed by Nikon FM2, F70 cameras with Nikkor MF 50 mm f/1.8, Nikkor AF D 35-80 f/4-5.6 and a Sigma MF 28 mm f/2.8 lens. His B/W photos are about people in the day by day life taken using a yellow or a red filter to give more dramatic quality to the scenes. Instead he uses a polarizer filter for his slides taken during his abroad travels. He uses Kodak TMax films developed in Kodak TMax and Fuji Velvia/Provia for his slides. In 1997 he worked with the Italian independent filmmaker, Valerio Iuliano, realizing the scenes photographs of the short movie "Vincent Price".



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Colors          Black & White            Naples

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©-1998 Avolio Salvatore & Avolio Vincenzo - Last updated 09/06/1998

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