Maximum Linkage

Where's the best place to find fanfics? Where are the best fan fiction resources located? These questions answered, and a whole lot more . . .

Fan Fiction on the Net-The ultimate index of fan fiction archives covers *everything*.

Writer's Corner-Essential reading for anyone who wants to write fan fiction. Contains writers' experiences, FAQs, and much, much more.

Laurie's Page-Utter insanity and a spiffing treasure hunt from my good friend Laurie and her sister Lois. Which one's the comedy sidekick? Visit, and choose for yourself.

Escapees From The Tavern-Laurie's other venture makes marginally less sense than the first. A message board frequented by my mates from Compuserve, some of whom have an alarming obsession for chamomile tea and cats.

Eerie, Indiana-All you ever wanted to know about one of the best "kids" shows ever. Check out the X-Files comparison.

Springfield Nuclear Power Plant.-A beyond complete, episode by episode breakdown of the best animated show ever, The Simpsons.

The Vampire's Outpost-One of John Carpenter's finest films gets an amazing standing salute. Some day all sites will be like this.

Travelling Beyond The Body-Amusing beginners guide to Astral Projection

The Lspace Web-Proof that Americans *do* like Terry Pratchett

Archangel Thunderbird-Information on the excellent new British/Japanese show, co-created by my good friend Tony Luke.

Wasteland Of Wonder: Atheism Department-The best Athiesm site on the InterWeb is, of course, British. Does anyone actually watch Songs Of Praise any more?

Laura's MIDI Heaven-A hu-u-u-ge MIDI file archive. Get the Carol Of the Bells!

Ballabene's Astral PagesAstral fun and games.

Beast WarsThe best Beast Wars Transformers site on the InterWeb, made by people who obviously *don't* work for GMTV.

The Encyclopedia MythicaYour guide to the creatures you're not likely to see at the zoo.

Top 10 Recommended Ambient Albums-Ambient music is, of course, the best genre of music ever. Find out what albums to buy here, or email me! Q. Does anyone make ambient music anymore?

Drew's Script-o-rama-The InterWebs best script site, bar none.

Infinity Plus-The best British SF Fiction 'Zine. Like a massive version of Interzone, but it's free! Must get: Kim Newman's "Coppola's Dracula"

SF Competition Winners-Gareth Williams' "Silent Voice" is a triumph; the future of science fiction. Grab a hankie before reading it - you'll need it!

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