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How I Conquered Cold Fusion
by T. Anderman

I was sitting in a sales meeting about a half a year ago when I first came into contact with Cold Fusion.  A major software distributor who had just taken on the Allaire product range and hired me to work technical support.  As time went past I had a play around with the product trying to get a feel for the many intricacies that would no doubt be raised in some bizarre support query.

I played around with the different ODBC drivers making simple forms and queries.  Bored with that, I decided to make a little project for myself.  At the time our support department had a less than desirable call logging system, so I resolved to make a prototype of a Cold Fusion based system.  The idea had many advantages:

1) It would replace an out of date system,
2) I would be the user that would ultimately be using it, so I would be eager to put every labor saving device into the system,
3) It is a web based application, therefore it could be accessed anywhere in the world,
4) Possible expansion to a client end for customers to interact with their support calls,
5) I'd learn everything I'd ever need to know about the product in the process.

So I plotted on not really ever believing that the system would ever become a live system and my programming was less than professional.  In the end though I believe I have created a pretty reliable, robust, and professional product.  Click on the following link to read the story of how I ended up there and pick up a few cold fusion tips on the way...

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