T h E - - M i D t A l O L o G y

Gallery of Shadows
Library of Delight
Anime & Manga Reviews/Annotations
Who Me?
INTRO : Welcome! My Name is Midtalya. I am a would-be artist, sometimes writer, dedicated Librarian, and adoring fan of the Art of Anime!

This website is an archive of things I've done or collected from the web over the past twenty so years that might be of use or found interesting by someone other than me. One can always hope.
It will also be a simple place of storage for things like:

HOWEVER : Please note that this place is maintained by faeries who are sometimes horrible at keeping things up-to-date....
ERRGG! But hey! I am a poor, starving librarian and can't afford the house elf to do the job properly. (Though... Dobby will always be in my heart!)

Also, ALL images in my personal Gallery (Shadows) are copywrited. If you wish to use/copy/save them for any reason, please just email me beforehand, so that I may give permission. (I Usually will).

LAST UPDATED: July 4, 2008.
Contact Midtalya