Since I had to go to a 2nd page of my "Special Friends" and will (no doubt) need to go to a 3rd and maybe 4th Page, I hope you enjoy seeing the faces and where my kiddeos are from. These pages are a tribute to ALL of them and I only wish I could do them justice when I describe them.
Llyr hangs his hat & guitar in Ft. Lauderdale Fla. He spends some time in Ohio on the job. While he is there, he visits my kiddies on weekends. I have also had the opportunity to spend some time with him. He loves music and plays a great guitar.
Meet my friend "Tanis" Tanis is the very first Point World and Cyber Friend I met. He visited my kids last summer and I had hoped to meet him but I left before he got there. He is the one who designed my Avatar. He took time out of his busy schedule and did this for ME. I still use that AV with love. Sorry you have been so out of touch lately tho John. Hope to See Him Again SOON.
How about LadyHawk. She is from the State of the "Best Potatoes in the World" She and Lolly have been "Partners in Crime" for a long time. Point World's Thelma and Louise. I have admired LH for a long time although I have not had a chance to visit with her much. Maybe down the road. Hope so.
Yeeeee Hawwwwww Lolly comes from none other than Texas. I've been acquainted with her for quite some time too but don't see her often. I do miss you kiddeo and hope all is well with you. She loves Pink Flamingo's and parades them on her posts, and just everywhere. Hope to cu soon Lolly.
Gandolf is another Ohian. He is a computer "Guru" and known as the Wizard. I have mostly admired him from afar and he has been soooo helpful when Star needed answers and help in learning web design. She talks about him a lot and I more or less keep up to what he is doing thru her. I also met him in Point World.
DeFish hails from Texas too. Met Kevin when I first started talking to Point Worlders and if I recall on Pow Wow. Then of course ICQ. He was so busy tho with classes and felt he had to devote his time to his education. I haven't been in contact with him for a long time but that doesn't mean I have forgotten him.
Our little "Bare Footed" School Teacher from Littlerock. What a pleasure to chat with. Her personality is wonderful and she is so funny. Clicking away at her keyboard with her sore bare feet propped up after helping out with a cake walk that day. She is the kind of person I'd want to teach my kids.
Snybbie is living in Bahrain. It was mentioned in the Chronicle that she was a camel rider. LOL At least she rode once. We even got to hear what the camel sounded like. "Ride Clyde, Ride"
Guy and Imagica. What skills and talents they both have. They both create and design Avatars and build worlds for us to all go in and enjoy. Guy has a whole library of Avatars. Imagica looks very innocent but she went out of her way one night in Taj Mahl (a world that Guy built) to help Jedi and Ciara set me up. I'm so gullible that isn't really hard to do. I really have admired your skills and talents.
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