AnnHoladay Design Logo and Poetry Headline




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We Dive
each others thoughts
each other lives
each others hearts
sometimes blindly
sometimes carelessly
sometimes with reckless abandon
but always
with passion
and good intentions
hoping never to leave
the dream like state
floating on until eternity
We Dive
Again and Again

For Grandpa and Grandma Scuba

We Dive Logo - Waterdroplet background with snapper
illustration of sailboat with poem Ocean of Love

For my husband Jim - Our trip down the Mississippi was a wonderful time I
will never forget.

As we get older and our lives get more complicated, we often think about how simple things used to be and the people we wish we could see more often.

This was done for my sisters who live thousands of miles from me and have very busy lives of their own.

I love them both and yes, it would be nice.

Beach Illustration with Sisters poem
Into the Night

I look into the night sky
and see more
than the wonderous heavenly bodies
floating in the night
I see the universe unfold
and wonder -
Do you see it to?
I know that you are looking
though I cannot see you there
in the place I left you so long ago
but I know you look
and I hope you see
that though we are apart
we are together in the universe
looking as one into the night
sharing a vision
that only we can share

For Minniette, '99

The Connection

We have always been connected
even before cyberspace
There is a tie that binds
even more powerful than
the optic fibers that run
from place to place
We are family and that
is the ultimate connection
No matter where we exist
We exist as one
A tie that no matter
how hard we try
We cannot break it
We cannot cut it
We cannot lose it
It binds us together

For Jonathan, '99