Ilene Rachel's Poetry - WRITE


She says
Just write!
write what?
what do I know
that anyone would want to hear?
I am only a woman

My job is thankless
it isn’t recognized by the government
as being valuable enough
to require collecting taxes on
or respected by the very society
that expects so much of me
and it is often
not even appreciated
by those I love

So what if I am responsible
for raising future
working class
tax paying
official electing
consumer product buying
who will participate
in deciding the fate of the world

Does that make me
so knowledgeable
so talented
that I should expect anyone
to listen to what I have to say?
my experiences
are not unusual
I do not have any extraordinary wisdom
nor do I possess any magic powers

Like hundreds of other women
who live unremarkable lives
who are almost invisible
whose hopes and dreams
must be grounded in reality
I go about my daily life facing the fact
that each day usually is interchangeable
maybe it is my similarity to them
that they can relate to

~~July 1997 ISM

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