rule! It's a fact. But to give you some more credible facts....Moose belong
to the deer family. In Europe they're known as elk. They are the largest
members of the deer family and live in Siberia, the Baltic, Northern Canada
and Alaska. (evidently they must like the cold!)
They are Big, growing up to 7 or 8 ft. at the shoulder and weighing well over
1000 lbs. They are great swimmers and they snort a lot. (okay the snorting
part I made up!) But hey, I bet you learned something about moose right??
Well if not *snort* to you!
here are some links to other moose pages: (which I hope to add to)
Mooseworld- all you ever wanted to know about moose
Moose Totem info
The Mickey Moose club page
The Magnificent Moose Project- lots
of info!
didja know the moose is Maine's state animal? adopted by the 1979 State Legislature
to avoid moose hood ornaments
stuff even I didn't know! (it's a pity this guy can't spell though)
a BBC page on moose
you've got any more cool moose pages definitely let me know so I can add
them on!