My thanks to those at news:alt.discuss.homepage.opinions who voted the Alternative Homepage Site of The Month for December 1999.... Thank you very much!! |
January, 2000 It's especially nice to receive an award with no strings attached. There was no request for a reciprocal link. The email that contained this award had no links at all. Thank you for the altruistic gesture, BPInc, but as soon as I find your site you're getting a link!:-) |
January, 2000 In keeping with the new wave of awards, given anonymously by people who request nothing in return, here's a very pretty one indeed. Looks tasty too! I apologize to the donor for the delay in placing it on this page. Thanks! |
January, 2000 Yes, Here's another anonymous gesture of award altruism. This one has a twist, though. Its not really for the Alternative Homepage but it is a personal statement to and about me. I therefore will call this and any others like it an "I'm Like Mike" award. I'm very grateful for this one, it will be with me always and I someday hope to live up to it's faith in my potential Mikeness factor. |
May, 2000 My thanks to Ladybug639 for this really cool award! Any award that calls my site 'awesome' is really cool in my book. Even if it does come from a Nuthouse:-) Thank you Janet! |
May, 2001 LynnLynn, thank you again! I'm flattered you think enough of my work to present me with multiple awards. I think I have a 'fan' :-) Thank you Lynn! |