My Multitude of Awards

My thanks to those at
who voted the Alternative Homepage
Site of The Month for December 1999....
Thank you very much!!

January, 2000
It's especially nice to receive an award with no strings attached. There was no request for a reciprocal link. The email that contained this award had no links at all. Thank you for the altruistic gesture, BPInc, but as soon as I find your site you're getting a link!:-)

January, 2000
In keeping with the new wave of awards, given anonymously by people who request nothing in return, here's a very pretty one indeed. Looks tasty too! I apologize to the donor for the delay in placing it on this page.

January, 2000
Yes, Here's another anonymous gesture of award altruism. This one has a twist, though. Its not really for the Alternative Homepage but it is a personal statement to and about me. I therefore will call this and any others like it an "I'm Like Mike" award. I'm very grateful for this one, it will be with me always and I someday hope to live up to it's faith in my potential Mikeness factor.

March 10, 2000
Thank you Jeff, for your confidence in me and for this award. Receiving that nod of recognition from someone like Poverty Stricken leaves me with little to say. There are not many things that feel better than getting a pat on the back from your favorite teacher. I have been lucky enough to have learned from some of the most oustanding people on line. The fact that they allow themselves to be so accessible keeps us from feeling like 'intruders' when we barge into their television sets. We learn more when we relax.....
Thank you Jeff

May, 2000
My thanks to Ladybug639 for this really cool award! Any award that calls my site 'awesome' is really cool in my book. Even if it does come from a Nuthouse:-)
Thank you Janet!

November 3, 2000

"In appreciation of the Outstanding
Website, and helpful information have provided to the WebTv Community
with easy that others may use
and learn from your kindness at heart.
......I present You with this
Award of Excellence."

All the Best, Col郲屧馣060;/center>

May, 2001
LynnLynn, thank you again!
I'm flattered you think enough of my work to present me with multiple awards. I think I have a 'fan' :-)
Thank you Lynn!

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