Saturday January 30th 99 : "THE INTERZONE COFFEE HOUSE"

(it starts here : see for the next mails below)

Hi Zoners,

1. You are invited by Grovetta : Grape2061 to join the listed Yahoo! Club named "THE INTERZONE COFFEE HOUSE".

To become a member of this club, just go to the Web address below:

You need to go to the address above to join the club, but you can take a look at the club by going to: It contains a chat which can welcome a large number of people : let's meet there when you want. I'll be there for the next chat appointment of the 23rd.

Grape 2061 needs someone to help send out invitations. If you got some spare time and want to do it,
you can join her at :

2. You can have a look at the Interzone Ring page which has been remade and now contains the ex-Work page :

3. You can listen to Chaya's recording in Real Player files at made by Dean.

Have a great week-end.


February 1st 99 : Koulin's new address


juste pour dire que j'ai une nouvelle adresse e-mail vous pouvez me joindre a cette adresse sans probleme.



February 2nd 99 : Printing and house

Hi Zoners,

Two subjects which require your attention and
advises :

1. Printing
I have been writing to a list of printers for the book, and asked them about a price for our anthology, with a short description of the diffferent tomes.I'm beguinning to receive answers, some are interested and are gonna call me about it. But I cannot deal with them alone, an am requiring your assistance in this.

As I'm getting several anwsers, we shall have to compair prices, see if it's worth it, and also how many to have printed,
according to the numbers of Zoners wanting to get involved in it.

The aim of having the book printed is to sell it in the frame of the Zone, what we can do without any commercial society nor putting anything official.
We have to see then about the formula to adopt : 1. if it's worth it, let's say if we can have books of 100 pages for
about 1 $ each, then we can buy ten and sell them 10 $, which is a reasonnable price. this leads then to personnal
benefit for the individuals who make it. then the benefit would be: 10 $ X 10 = 100 $ -

As we got 7 tomes already of 100 pages each , this makes 7 dollars for a whole book, which we can sell then 70 $.
If we do this with 10 books, we get then 700 $. less the price we invested (70 $) and the fees of the mail to get the books.
This is just an example for the moment, we have then to confront it with the real prices of the printers, but this is
just to give you an idea of the way I see it.

2. We can also use it as an opportunity to constitute a capital : on the money we earn with it, we give 1 /10 to Interzone :
if 100 zoners do this and, from the money they earn, give 50 $ to the Zone, then we got 5 000 $ we can put in a bigger project.
Some of you might have other ideas, this is only one but there must have other possibilities.

If you are aware of printing , publishing, etc, and can help me here, thanks for letting me know in the following days.

If you want to be part of this and have the book printed for you, let me know as well, with the numbers of copies you would like.

I'm gonna see the first prices the printers offer, and will let you know the result. Then we shall have a more solid base to evaluate what is worth here, and if we decide to have it printed, which printer to choose.

2. House project :

After a visit to Poitiers yesterday, it comes out houses with more than 4 rooms are not easy to find, and rarely less than 5000 fr (1000 $ ) and people rather sell them than rent them.

I'm gonna put an advert on the web of the region to ask for such a place : we might find something this way, allowing to put up what we planned for the hotel, but out of the commercial circuit.

I'd go to work there, Poitiers is just half an hour drive, and would officially open it as a psychotherapist, which would allow then the other activities in a place of conviviality, a "lieu de vie" openned to the population, through an association.
I'd rent the place with other people here : artists wanting to share a space with others, or students to rent the rooms, or Zoners wanting to have a place to come here, etc.

This would also be a good formula for the apomorphine cures in future if they reveal themselves possible with doctors in Poitiers, specially in the frame of non-profit and non-governmental doctors associations (the "French doctors", who now work here as well and give free cares in the frame of home-hopitalisation as well).

I'm waiting for complementary information on the cure itself which I'll forward to you.

This sounds the easiest and best formula, as it keeps us out of the business and immigration problems we had with the hotel, and allows a completely free frame : we shall be in our place, a private one, and free to make all the activities we want.
The aim is to put up with the people relations which are similar to the structure of human organism (see Korzybski's general semantics and Henri Laborit's books , the French biologist, about this) , and offering them things which answer their needs, which the world we live in does not provide.

Substitute relations based upon money by relations based upon the needs and structure of human organism, which
are a priori fittable to any human organism :) For experimenting it previously and in the frame of the Zone
as well, I can say it works far beyond my expectations. :)))))))))

So the money we need to start is limited to the minimum : share the rent of the place and charges, and the money we earn is in the frame of an association. This money will have 2 sources :
a) artistic activities : every artist gets the money he earns from his gigs, lectures, Burroughs' museum, etc...
b) the place of conviviality with lectures, groups, etc..., talks, etc..., which won't have fixed prices but will work on donations, exchanges, etc..., so can be accessible to anybody.

Let me know what you think about this home project. In case you like it and want to rent the place as well,
let me know .

In case it would be a flop after 3 months, I'd stop then, but I do not start with this expectation, as I have done such a work before and got enough documentation and work done to start right now.
After the association is created and the job started, we can then get support from culture and health , but we shall ask
for it when they can state the results.

We can exchange directly about all these subjects in the Interzone Coffee House Grovetta openned this week-end : To become a member of this club, just go to

It has got a great chat there, and a place for mail exchanges, already a whole pile in it, and 15 members have registered.
Many other stuff (pics book, etc.) So we can fix an appointment for the next week-end for instance. I'll know more about all this, and shall gladly exchange about it with you.



Mail to Interzone Coffee House

Death Dwarf, Nova Mob, Smash the Control Bagel

(24/M/Cary, NC)

Feb 3 1999
3:09PM EST

hola folks... i was on my way to create a WSB club, when to my surprise i saw there was one! great!

i may still use the nova mob for something though, perhaps research discussion or essay posting. in any case, it's a companion piece to my site...

the site is called Death Dwarf. right now, it's only a collection of detailed links to all of our WSB sites and their contents. it's meant to aid people researching WSB, or to help any new to WSB find the answers to specific questions located in all of the resources online.

i tried to add this to my member comments, but at the time yahoo! clubs were acting up (they do this QUITE A LOT *g*)... so here's the URL

nova mob club: [use undetermined as of yet]

death dwarf: [a WSB interactive site]

I would be greatly interesting in posting research papers on WSB on my site, as well as artistic work.

Pleae visit the links! If you find a dead link, or if you have a site not on there, let me know!



De : Joshua Berlow <>

Date : vendredi 5 février 1999 05:09
Objet : Casa Blanca Carne Seca Beef Jerky Web Page Up

The Casa Blanca Carne Seca Beef Jerky Web Page is at:

Casa Blance Carne Seca Beef Jerky

Your intrepid reporter has found the perfect food: Dried beef, also known as Beef Jerky, or in Spanish as "Carne Seca". People have been drying beef forever, and dried meat was a essential foodstuff before refrigeration. The nomadic Native American Indian tribes of the Plains traded dried buffalo meat for the corn meal of settled Pueblo Indians in the Southwest. Beef Jerky been a basic item of trade for millenia.

Casa Blanca Carne Seca is the caviar, filet mignon, and champagne of beef jerky brands. I've personally taste-tested all brands of beef jerky produced locally in New Mexico, and none comes close in flavor or texture to Casa Blanca Carne Seca. It's perfectly crunchy, not tough or stringy like other brands. It has a nice meaty taste, and isn't very salty. It's a quite satisfying, protein rich food, perfect for hiking, camping, and travel. It's not fat and greasy like sausage.
Unlike some other brands, Casa Blanca Carne Seca isn't made from chopped or ground beef- each piece is sliced meat with no filler. There are no additives or preservatives.

The ingredients are:

Beef salt garlic - and your choice of green chili, red chili, black pepper, or nothing.

Needs no refrigeration. Every bag is dated for a three month shelf life, but I've never been able to keep a bag in the house more than 48 hours.

Previously you had to come to Santa Fe to get Casa Blanca Carne Seca, and even if you came to Santa Fe you could've easily bought a different, inferior brand of beef jerky. If Casa Blanca Carne Seca isn't the best beef jerky you've ever tried (by far), don't buy another bag. However, I'm certain that anyone that tried this stuff will be hooked- You WILL be back for more.

Casa Blanca Carne Seca comes in four different flavors:

GREEN CHILI: A mild chili, for those who want a little spicyness but not too much.

RED CHILI: My favorite, but I moved up from the green chili. Seriously spicy.

BLACK PEPPER- Even hotter than the red? A different kind of hot. Great for working up a beer thirst.

PLAIN- For those who want pure beef flavor, without the fire. and four different sizes:

1 oz: $2.50
2 oz: $5.00
3 oz: $7.50
5 oz: $12.00

Please send your order to:

Joshua Berlow
Saraswati Online
Suite 223
551 Cordova Road
Santa Fe, New Mexico
87501 USA

Please make checks payable to "Joshua Berlow". However, before you send your check, please send me an e-mail about your order so that I can confirm the shipping charges:


Calculate your shipping costs using: US Postal Service Rate Calculator:


UPS Rate Calculator:

The Origin ZipCode is 87501
| Joshua Berlow's Website:
| ICQ# 5045491

De : <>
À : <>
Date : dimanche 7 février 1999 23:25

Hello Everyone,
Because of all of the members we have gotten in this club, Yahoo! has made William S. Burroughs a CATEGORY. Before THE INTERZONE COFFEE HOUSE, he was just listed as someone in the Author section. Aren't you all proud of yourselves? Just look at the top left hand side of the used to be: Category: Author. Now it is: Category: William S. Burroughs. :)

Protocole of cure and post-cure : February 21th

Here is a mail I sento to the soros Institute some days ago :


This mail about a protocole of cure and post-cure of desintoxication on which I am working at presently in the frame of Interzone, a group of Burroughsian readers, which I coordinate, in collaboration with our doc, Jim, who put up a service of free-councelling for the Zoners who were asking for assistance.

This protocole is based upon the research we have been making on desintoxication. It's aim is to provide a place where addicts from the group can come and first physicly kick as quickly and comfortably and as possible, (from heroin, alcohol , psychotrop and substitutes as methadone) and then in a second time, help them to restructurate psychicly while earning their life in the frame of a physical academy.

The cure would consist in the protocole of the apomorphine cure William Burroughs got from Dr Dent in London .
We have gathered infos on this cure and are waiting for more , but the results coming from Denmark and Sweden where this cure is still applied have been positive until now and confirm Burroughs' assertions about it. see /Athens/Crete/9445/apo.html and following pages.

Physical cares can be added to bring a maximum of comfort during the cure : massages, accupunture, etc..., according to the patient's choice.

The cares would be given in the frame of home hospitalisation, prescripted by a doc from the city, with the help of
a liberal nurse and the other residents of the place. So they would be taken in charge by social security, while
being much less expensive than a cure in a hospital .

Once the cure is finished , then people can join the academy for the time they want to, so they are not confronted to loneliness, nor to problems of money, work, nor of promiscuity with the dope surrounding.

Now the academies would not be centres of care for addicts : just places where Zoners can meet, work together, make researches, etc. , and find a shelter when they need it. Some have problems for kicking and ask for advises and help, so they could come for this, and be with other people who are not into dope and work with them on other subjects of
interest. So this it would be a transitory activity, not a permanent one, in function of the request of the people,
and the academy could welcome as well people needing other cares taken in charge in home hospitalisation
(depressions, AIDS, cancer, etc.)

The post-cure would consist in being part of the activities of the academy, of different kinds :
- trainings and courses on domains allowing to restructurate personnality,
- artistic activities of the Zone openned to the public : expos, concerts, lectures, selling musical and litterary productions,
etc., see :
- homework for the commune : prepair food, cleaning, etc...
- a place of conviviality openned to the public , like a bar, but without alcohol nor any fixed price, where people can come and have a chat and a drink, feel at home, and give what they want to when they leave.
If they got no money, they can provide a service.

The aim is to quit relationships based upon money, to restaure relationships based upon human needs, and a the aim of the academy is to offer a place answering the needs of human organism. I am a psychiatric nurse, 15 years experience in hospital in France, and have already put up a similar group in the past , applying the biologist Henri Laborit's data on
the structure of living organisms, with great results on the therapeutic level, so this is not only a theorical assertion.

We would make it through an association, which is easy to put up without much money.

I thought you might be interested in such a project as a
possible perspective.

Isabelle Baudron


Next to Ministry of Persons or New Events


Information on Interzone - New rubrics in other Zoner's sites - "The Time of Naguals" - INTERZONE ACADEMY