Status for the Zone

 November 14th 98 : Some forums have been created on different subjects we are muling about at the moment , so you can insert your mails directly in them : see the page :


Here are gathered our points of view about an eventual status for the Zone.

For more infos on the legal bases , see the following URL, which seem helpful to me . I'll add the ones you send as well.


October 27th 98

Hi all,

Following the infos I am getting here, it seems the most appropriate for the status would be a commercial society : According to a friend here, which corresponds to what I have stated myself, the structure of association leads most of the time to a loss of the initial aim, to a concentration of powers in the hands of a small group, and there is an identification of the people at the top with it, to the detriment of its purpose. It's the easiest to put up, but rather hard to escape to its tricks once it's created.

Compaired to this, if a bit more complicated to put up, the society is more solid, more safe at the legal level, and more openned at the level of possibilities. Also Zoners from abroad (US or anywhere) who want to get involved financially and come to work in it can be registered here as businessmen of the society, and get a long stay visa (after 6 months of investigation from the French services) Then the rules are the commercial ones, the same as for the French.

For European citizens, the way is the same as for the French, with the only difference that once they are registered as dealers in a town, they automaticly get a long stay visa in return.

So let me know what you think. Some of you are into business already, so got an idea of things to do here, of the eventual problems susceptible to come, etc...

From my side, I keep on collecting infos and let you know.




À : BAUDRON Isabelle <>
Date : mardi 27 octobre 1998 20:12
Objet : Re: Society ?

in some ways i'm in agreement with the business aspects of the zone. Yet there is always this rebel mind at work that tells me that if we join the machine the machine will absorb us and there go any hopes for any real freedom or immortality. the need to aquire lands and other properties from the social controllers will be with us 'til the systems collapse. and any head worth its cranial matter knows that every thing has to crash or it becomes psychotic. so it seems to me a survivability
study must be made before venturing into any scenario. especially in todays world where more and more power is moving to the right and civil surveilance is almost total. try to grow as many of your own foods and medicines as possible. and in case of complete breakdown if you don't already have weapons for self defense know where to get them. I know
they're out to get me and pretty soon they may be out to get you. Kudos to MDC.
pardon my rant but aboriginal thinking seems to have invaded my circuits. and the importance of the survival of the rebel tradition has been brought to the forefront. many of the humans who have spoken the loudest for personal freedom have been rubbed out or otherwise passed from this place. there is nothing from some imagined next world coming
to save us and if anything comes in from space it's bound to be hungry after its multi-lightyear trip. and as an outsider humans look like herd oriented food animals to me.
just a thought
from dead joe

De : J.D. S <>
À : <>
Date : mardi 27 octobre 1998 21:21
Objet : Jake to Isabelle/ Thanks for the " Society " Missive !

Dear Izzy ;

What can I say . You are always coming up with interesting ideas (-:>

Yes I agree with you and your friend about the differnce between the two social " Models " you reffered to in your E-mail .
To do anything , make anything or direct a force correctly , one needs to operate from a proper form or container ( ie: creativity needs borders and it must be a named vehicle ) as in a book , a group like - Zoners - ... etc.

I like the idea you have of using the " Business Model " for all the reasons you have given ... yes this is a very good plan .

My company ( its Mandate )is set up to develop many differnt kinds of products ( I am still working at the software project right now ) .
I set it up in such a way to embrace the widest possible criteria in a business sense , so I am able to use my " Company " model , which very well accepted to give me freedom and access to travel or whatever as a " business person " which is so important for the - Society we live in - and not just a " Common joe " bumping around the planet .

Anyhoo , this is my little contribution to your thoughts and I am in full agreement .

PS : I think a good start could be for some of us to find out ( as you have ) what kinds bureaucratic things are necessary for different countries to travel etc . ( Just a thought )

with care , Luv ; Jake

October 29th 98

Hi all,

Today was productive.

Except for the scanner : the guy could not fix it :((((((( shall have to take it back next week : the guy who first installed it had a special CD he had pressed, and with the normal one, a file is missing, and it just can't work :(((((( So the scanner is ok on other computers, but not on this one.

For the rest, I went to see a lady of an association to help people to start or take a businness. Spent 2 hours and a half with her, and she is quite enthousiastic actually about the hotel. She advise to write the project and come to present it to a group of chief of entreprise who are in the association and will then give their respective advices about what is needed, the chances of succeed, etc...... She also says to ask a sollicitor. Also there are free sessions of countability learning which I can follow.

And I met a friend here who is used to this, got his own entreprise and says he can make the countability . One zoner who has a 15 years experience in hotel-restaurant managing also propose his help for the countability, and said in some months he can put money in the project.

The society idea has only got positive feed-backs : I keep on asking for info.



The Western Lands


De : <>
À : <>
Date : vendredi 30 octobre 1998 03:13
Objet : Re: Academy on the web

>hello again iz
>i'm very interested in the academy on the web. I would be glad to contribute
>many writings and whatnot.
> i am also quite interested in being involved in helping out at the hotel in
>france at some point.
>love bugs


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