
Hello, welcome to my reviews page, which is divided into the following three sections. Gone and to be forgotten is the guide to Budapest - the interest to frequent these places died a death I fear, and it is certainly a case of RIP for the thoroughly defunct Voodoo club. The Gyár is, I believe, very much still going and I am sure there is someone on MySpace somewhere doing an excellent job of promoting it. Nothing here to blackball me from jobs dealing with innocent and corruptible souls can be found here now, which may or many not be disappointing for all you job application character snoopers!

As I have said on the home page, I will not be concentrating so much on reviewing music on these pages. You can still see reviews I have written for the classy Lady Morphia and for Sylvi Alli.

Here, I review new CD releases which broadly come under the goth/darkwave category. I do not really care for heavy metal, so please do not send me any.

My interviews with new and current bands.

Of those immortalised by The Poison Quill.

Bedtime Stories
Here, I probably really have lived up to my moniker, in the best cases at least. Enter here of your own free will, to coin a phrase, and I wish you all sweet dreams....

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