Generic Picture is a forum for Punk Art, Poetry, Music, Zines, Prose, and Anything else you can drum up.(based outta Northampton Mass.) Punk Art and poetry? Well Punk to me has always been doing what ya like. This E-Zine is all about that. These people do their own thing. They might not win any pulitzers that way, but pulitzers are for assholes anyhow. If you'd like, please submit, or contact us anyway. On with the freak show....

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9.27.99: I got a mailing list:
Our new Mailing List
Click here To get on our mail List!!

Well I've broken down and started redesigning the page. It's hard to produce a new issue with no submissions, but the page is horrendously outdated and we have a new computer (hopefully a scanner soon) so I've decided to redesign everything then start a launch for new submissions. When I get enough we'll put out a new issue and archive all this.
What's New other then design? Well. My links are updated and I'm just gonna keep adding 'em so send in any pages of interest. We're adding a music section, so send demos, webpages, records, anything!!!! Lord knows we have enough time on our hands to review 200 bands, so you've got a good chance.
Putting in a little FAQ type/history thing. Send in any questions you have, even if your looking for advice....
That's it for now, Please write or Submit or tell a friend.... that's it for now.... latr,

the editor

We need 'em. We're looking For anything. If you believe in your art, send it. We want to publish everything. ART, Prose, Poetry, Music, Political rants, links, everything. If you do anything like this, send it in, or contact us. We want to put out a new issue soon... if you don't want to then go meet my friend Eada....

Poets ART Links
MUsiC MAIN About
contact GuestBook Backissuez

Contact info:


ICQ #: 30965790

AOL Instant Message Screen Name: Garethx1