Moon Mysteries

Prayer Request


(c)1997 - M. Leilani K. Kaleiohi

From where I sit...the moon's glow gently caresses my mind, and I reflect on the Ancient Days of my beloved ancestors. Their whispers of wisdom call to me, as I witness the moonlight dance upon the mountain's side. I imagine my dear ancestors dancing in spiritual rejoice, in connectiveness to all things in Heaven & Earth. Their messages of pure aloha shine within my inner spirit...
"Return to your inner light -- dear spirit warrior -- and seek the comforts of your ancestorial, cultural ways which is deeply rooted in your bones. Let this comfort be your guide, and we will help cleanse the moss you have gathered and give peace to your darkness.
As you encounter inkind spirits and begin to walk your chosen path of cleansing...the universe will respond to embrace your endeavor.
Hold Fast, dear one...Hold Fast. For the road back will greet you with many storms."
I smile at the mountain's many faces and know their truth. I breathe in the fresh night air, and witness a Moonbow shining its many colors boldly across the night sky.
"Return your mind to listen quietly to your spirit, for then your mind may learn from your spirit how to once again fly into the heavens and nurture the earth."
My heart smiles, and my spirit sings in peaceful refrain. I thank you my dear ancestors...I thank you.
.....and the moon's glow gently caresses my mind, from where I sit.

With much Aloha - Islandgirl

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HUNA...Ancient Wisdom and healing!!
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Cycles Of The Moon!
Moon Calander & Phases Of The Moon!
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I raise my arms in greeting
As she slips up through the night
The rounded Moon of Mystery,
A glowing silver disk of light.

My spirit answers to Her call
And longs for wings to fly,
That I might seek Her secret place
Whose symbol is the sky.

A place of hidden secrets,
Of sacred mysteries old,
A place I Knew in other times,
In temple wisdom no more told.

I struggle to remember
All the things I learned before,
The forgotten Mysteries of the Moon,
The Goddess and her Lore.

Although my arms reach skyward,
I turn inward toward Her voice,
I tread the inner labyrinth,
Trusting in my choice.

"Seek not without, but deep within."
The words are soft and clear.
"Keep faith with Me for thirteen months,
The Mother's Sacred year."

I watch Her through her cycles,
As I did in lives before,
And follow down Her moonbeam path
To the secret, inner door.

D.J.Conway...Moon Magic


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