Frequently Asked Questions

Who runs The Plug?

The current Editor-In-Cheif of The Plug (print edition) is Lori McKee (a.k.a. RevBade). The editor of the on-line edition is Josh M. McKee (a.k.a Corwin).

Why isn't The Plug always funny?

The Plug's content primarily comes from submissions. If the submissions for a particular issue are humerous, then the issue will be humerous. If they're of a serious nature, then the issue will be serious. For more details, see just about every issue message ever printed, the one in Vol. 5 Issue #2 in particular.

Does the CHS administration approve of The Plug?

The Plug has not received any official approval or disapproval from the CHS administration during the 1997-1998 school year. During the first two years, Josh McKee was careful not to upset the administration, and to follow the rules. After the 'Distribution of Materials' rule was added to CHS's Student Handbook, McKee discussed the impact on The Plug, and was told that any issues of The Plug would have to be approved by a staff member before distribution. No such arrangement was made with the current editor, Lori McKee, and so The Plug continues to be published without administrative approval.

Is The Plug against school rules?

Most definately, although there is no clear punishment outlined in the Student Handbook. The 'Distribution of Materials' rule (the one which The Plug violates) is worded so poorly that it could be interpreted to mean that you can't loan someone a casette tape or CD, give out your school photos, or even share class notes. Unless The Plug directly attacks a staff member or other private individual (which it came very, very close to doing in the article 'Screw You, Dickman!'), it is very doubtful that any action will be taken against The Plug.

Who can write for The Plug?

The Plug is primarily intended for students of Corvallis High School, although students of other schools and various private individuals have been known to write for The Plug. There is no official restriction on who can write for The Plug.


Last updated : 1/28/97 by J. McKee