The Power Rangers Era

Thuy played the role of Trini Kwan on the kids show Mighty Morphin Power Rangers from the 1993-1995 season. She was the yellow ranger and one of the first Asian female presence on North American television that was neither weak nor stereotyped. As an Asian viewer, all I could say was "It's About Time"! I really feel that this was Thuy's best work up to date, although she did steal the show in The Crow: City of Angels despite her very small role.

Trini was the first yellow ranger and was part of the original team. She was summoned by an intergallactic being named Zordon to save the world from the evil menace of Rita Repulsa. She was given the power of the sabretooth tiger power coin as well as the sabretooth tiger dinozord to helm. She later piloted the griffin thunderzord.

Trini was one of the intellectuals of the team and the other was Billy. The two got along very well but Kimberly Hart was her best friend. Trini always remained calm and always confronted her enemies and challenges with bravery and patience.

Trini liked to dress in yellow, collect dolls and she also once had the fear of heights which a dangerous run in with Rita forced her to conquer. She is also an expert in preying mantis kung fu. Romance wise, Trini liked a boy named Richie but the two never got together.

Trini, along with Jason and Zack, the red and black ranger, left the team after serving for one year and a half to attend a Peace Conference in Switzerland. She handed her powers over to Aisha Campbell and hasn't been heard from since.

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