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I use a Mac platform and so sites that require Win or DOS platforms will not get listed here. I would appreciate it if you e-mail me at kdail@carroll.com with any sites that I should add to the list. It must be free to play at least part of the game.

Earth 2025 A really great stratagy game that will work on any browser. It is all text driven, but cool anyway. You get a country of your own to build into an Empire. You can create alliances with other players for warlike or peacefull purposes. There are two games available. There is a chat room, but it does not work well with Mac platforms( I now have it working with Netscape Navigator 4.0). Totaly and always FREE!
Electronic Knockout The best boxing simulation on the web. You get a free fighter for your gym. More fighters are available for 26$ for 5 and up. This is much like a PBM game with a web interface. All fights are resolved off line and the results are e-mailed to the owner. Much fun here...
Final Bell A few stock market games. If you know the market or want to learn, this is the site for you. Free with prizes available.
Tsarwars This is a free text based stratagy game. You get a flagship and some fighters and must go forth to conquer the universe. Much economics and trading along with warfare. I have only just tasted it, it seems complicated. Give it a try any way.
Kuo Wan A free java based business game. You start a company, build labs, stores and factories. You can sell shares of your company on the market. There are little in the way of instructions and you are encouraged to experiment. I have encountered a few bugs.
The Hundred Years War In this java game you take on the character of a medieval lord. It sounds really interesting and a lot of fun, but I cannot get it to work on my mac. They tell me they are working on the problem. Try it out anyway...
Technosphere Not exactly a game, more of a life simulation. You get to create a creature and monitor its life. Amusing.
The Fantasy Sports Zone Football, basketball, hockey, baseball and golf.
On-Line Fantasy Sports Football, basketball, hockey, baseball and golf.
The Better Sports Network Football, basketball, hockey and golf.
SportSim Football and basketball and trivia.
SportsExtra Pick em'.

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