A big family


My life sofar
Biggest family on Earth
Work - Past tense
Home sweet home



Events at Vineyard Testimonies Church plants Articles

I am part of the largest family in the world. 2000 years ago there was only my big brother - but since then my Dad has been pretty active through His Holy Spirit to adopt people into His family. Today I have roughly 1 billion brothers and sisters spread throughout the world. We have all been adopted because we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour.

nfilogo.gif (4456 bytes)My local church is Called Vineyard Community Bermondsey. It's located in South East London (SE16) on Drummond Road (between Jamaica Road and Southwark Park Road).  Call the church on 0171 237 2722 during office hours if you want to know more.
terryvirgo.gif (3908 bytes)We are a part of New Frontiers International, which is headed up by Terry Virgo. I have been a part of the church since January 1997. The first few months in London I spent in KT (Kensington Temple) and Holy Trinity Brompton (the anglican church that 'invented' the Alpha Course).

We are a group of quite ordinary people living in and around Bermondsey. What connects us is the fat that our lives have been changed and made new by the power of God. God has drawn us together as a family to love and care for one another and serve others in the local community.

Why not come and visit us? Come, listen and make up your mind. We won't brainwash you - but maybe God will take you through some heart-washing insted.

Events @ Vineyard