Library Index

I figured that I needed to do a little reorganization so that my writing will be a little easier to get to, and this seemed the best way. I'm also doing a little ambitious planning, as hopefully I'll have enough pieces to flesh out this index.

Guess I'd better get cracking, eh?

Choose your poison:



Walking Distance. Started this over a year ago, and of course I'm still not completely satisfied. Maybe it's a screenplay, maybe it's not, I'm not sure. All I do know is that if it is made into a movie, I'm keeping the right to pick the soundtrack, darnit!


North. Hey, I finished it! I did a little change here, a major cut there, and I'm done. I think. I'm sure. Um...yeah, I'm done. Let me know what you think.


Wishing. A very If this was only the story of my life. Sigh.


Blue. If I follow through on this one with all of the notes I have, either it will be w-a-a-a-y too long or really complicated. Both choices make my brain hurt. But I really do like it so far, and I'm anxious to get going on it. If I only had enough time...



















My Poetry. Ok, I've taken the very large plunge and decided to web-publish some of my poetry. This is the stuff that I've allowed to see the light of day. You will all be grateful that I've left that composition book full of high school poetry in it's rightful place, in a box.


Other People's Poetry. Some poems by people that I like, both living and dead. You make the call.

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